
When the tyrant is turned back by the august hands,

ما رده الباغي إذا ردت به

1. When the tyrant is turned back by the august hands,
What does it avail him save to turn him back?

١. ما ردَّهُ الباغي إِذا ردَّتْ بهِ
أيدي الجَلالةِ عنكَ إِلاَّ رِدَّتُهْ

2. Fortune has shortened his tether and tied his ropes,
So his ambitious thoughts have clung to others disastrously.

٢. الحَظُّ أقْصَرهُ وقدَّ حِبالَهُ
فَتعلَّقتْ بالغَيْرِ شُؤماً همَّتُهْ

3. Men were turned back, and the Prophet was their imam,
So that the vengeance of your Lord might smite them.

٣. رُدَّتْ رجالٌ والنَّبيُّ إمامُهُمْ
لِتَطُمَّهُمْ من بأسِ ربِّكَ نِقمتُهْ

4. Leave him who insinuates corruption furtively;
Disregard him, for his insight has been blinded.

٤. دعْ من تَلصَّصَ في الفسادِ مُوارباً
واهْملهُ قَدْ عَمِيتْ بُنَيَّ بَصيرتُهْ

5. If the Merciful had cared for him,
His gaze would have been cut off from this creeping.

٥. لوْ كانَ للرَّحمنِ فيه عِنايةٌ
قَطعتْهُ عن هذا التَّلصُّصِ نظرتُهْ

6. And the Prophetic Heir in his conditions
Resembles the Prophet in his way and his practice.

٦. والوارِثُ النَّبويُّ في أحوالِهِ
معنًى يُشاكِلُهُ النَّبيُّ وسيرتُهْ

7. Return to your Lord, do not hope in any but Him;
His aid will surely take care of you.

٧. فارجعْ لربِّكَ لا تُؤمِّلْ غيرهُ
لا بدَّ توليكَ العنايةَ نُصرتُهْ

8. And leave the envious one to his rage and stubbornness,
The whistling of his breath amidst the spread of corruption.

٨. ودعِ الحسودَ بِغَيظهِ وعنادهِ
تَشْويهِ في طيِّ المَفاسدِ زفرَتُهْ

9. How many a bird sought the heights and was brought down
To the depths without intention by its soaring!

٩. كمْ طائرٍ طلبَ العُلى حطَّتْ به
ضمنَ الحَضيضِ بغيرِ قصدٍ نهضتُهْ

10. And how many a weak one, broken and sincere,
His abasement has cast into the ranks of honor!

١٠. ولكمْ ضَعيفٍ ذي انْكسارٍ خالصٍ
ألقتهُ في رُتَبِ المعزَّةِ ذِلَّتُهْ

11. And the servant in both matters is bound by destiny;
His appointed lot comes to him without effort.

١١. والعبدُ في الأمرَيْنِ مأسورُ القَضا
تأتي لهُ من غيرِ سعيٍ قِسمتُهْ