
He brought this forth and erased it

أبرز هذا وطمس

1. He brought this forth and erased it
And entrusted the dawn with breath

١. أبْرَزَ هذا وطَمَسْ
واسْتَوْدَعَ الصُّبْحَ النَّفَسْ

2. Two opposites: poverty and wealth
A giver and one who takes

٢. ضِدَّانِ فَقْرٌ وغِنًى
وقابِسٌ ومُقْتَبَسْ

3. One standing for his Lord
And one sitting on the ground

٣. وقائِمٌ لِرَبِّهِ
وقاعِدٌ على هَدَسْ

4. One walking on his feet
And one riding a horse

٤. وسائِرٌ بِرِجْلِهِ
وراكِبٌ على فَرَسْ

5. My Lord does what He wills
And every idolater is impure

٥. يَفْعَلُ رَبِّي ما يشا
وكُلُّ مُشْرِكٍ نَجَسْ