
The dwelling of the saint, when inhabited,

دار الولي إذا ما مات عامرة

1. The dwelling of the saint, when inhabited,
Has doors and pillars telling of its state,

١. دارُ الوَلِيِّ إذا ما ماتَ عامِرَةً
لها من الحالِ أَبوابٌ وأَرْكَانُ

2. As though he were present there in his image,
Seen by the gnostic and the faithful one.

٢. كأنَّهُ حاضِرٌ فيها بهيْئَتِهِ
يَراهُ من فيهِ عِرْفانٌ وإِيمَانُ

3. Revere their dwellings, honor their abodes,
For they are always there - by God - the dwellers!

٣. عظِّمْ مَساكِنَهُمْ كرِّمْ منازِلَهُمْ
فهُمْ بها دائِماً واللهِ سُكَّانُ

4. If they move house, one blossoming in their grace,
It's as if there they slept, wherever they were.

٤. إنْ باعَدوا منزِلاً يَزهو برَوْنَقِهِمْ
كأنَّهُمْ فيه باتوا أيْنَما كانُوا

5. Thanks be to God - among their turbans
Are a people, chiefs of the caravan.

٥. الحمدُ للهِ منهُمْ في عَصائِبِنا
قومٌ لقافِلَةِ الأَقْطابِ أَعيَانُ

6. My sons have died but their virtues are undying,
For they are, by my life, mankind's eyes.

٦. ماتوا بُنيَّ وما ماتَتْ مَكارِمُهُمْ
فَهُمْ لَعَمْرِي لعينِ المجدِ إِنْسَانُ

7. Their pulpits stand in every corner,
And in the heart of the foe are fires.

٧. قامتْ مَنابِرُهُمْ في كلِّ زاويَةٍ
ومِنْهُمْ بفُؤادِ الخَصْمِ نيرَانُ

8. A people - when their rider storms the battlefield,
The plain quakes that day, trembling.

٨. قومٌ إذا عارَضَ المِيدانُ فارِسُهُمْ
يرتَجُّ منه بيومِ العَجِّ مِيدَانُ

9. They wrestle with calamities, mocking them -
The day of the finish, riders and steeds.

٩. يُنازِلونَ المَنايا يهْزَؤون بها
يومُ العَريكَةِ رُكْبانٌ وفُرسَانُ

10. Drunk, the people of clamor and din -
Theirs is the diwan on the domes.

١٠. مُعَرْبِدونَ سُكارى أَهلُ جَلْجَلَةٍ
لهُمْ على قُبَّةِ النِّسْرَيْنِ ديوَانُ

11. Each gallant, great of heart, long of arm -
His status, though hidden, has proof.

١١. من كلِّ فحلٍ كَبيرِ القلبِ ذي مَدَدٍ
له على شأنِهِ المَخْفِيِّ بُرْهَانُ

12. He rises while night's tresses are loose,
Weeping in awe while the secret heart joys.

١٢. يقومُ واللَّيلُ مُرْخاةٌ كَلاكِلُهُ
يبكي انْدِهاشاً وقلبُ الخِبِّ فَرْحَانُ

13. Worlds are obscured for him, transient,
While from Him sovereignty over passions arose.

١٣. مُحَجَّبٌ عندَهُ الأَكوانُ فانِيَةٌ
وقامَ منهُ على الأَهواءِ سُلْطَانُ

14. As though what existence's carpet was furnished with
And what owned the world was Solomon.

١٤. كأنَّ ما فُرِشتْ بُسطُ الوُجودِ به
وأنَّ ما مَلَكَ الدُّنيا سُلَيْمَانُ

15. His springs flowed and rapture roused him
To God - while tears eternally melt him.

١٥. راقتْ موارِدُهُ والوَجدُ هيَّمَهُ
للهِ والدَّمعُ منه الدَّهرُ هَتَّانُ

16. Of a fellowship - their master's draught is theirs,
Ever with God, whether mighty or abased.

١٦. من عُصْبَةٍ مَشْرَبُ المُخْتارِ مشرَبُهُمْ
دوماً مع اللهِ إن عزُّوا وإنْ هانُوا

17. Among them we have in Syria's lands a band -
Folk of honor, loved ones, and intimates.

١٧. منهُمْ لَنا في أَراضي الشَّامِ طائِفَةٌ
أَهلٌ كِرامٌ وأَحبابٌ وخُلاَّنُ

18. They pledged to God a pact no power can undo.
They died upholding it - they neither failed nor betrayed.

١٨. قدْ عاهَدوا اللهَ عهداً لا انْفِكاكَ لهُ
ماتوا عَلَيْهِ وما مالوا وما خَانُوا

19. A remnant of a house followed in their steps -
Indeed, their wont they preserved and maintained.

١٩. لهُمْ بقيَّةُ آلٍ خلفَ إثرِهِمِ
ساروا على طَوْرِهِمْ بل طورَهُمْ صَانُوا

20. Their chief, the elect of their individuals, is Hasan -
Wadi al-Nada, whose repute is widely known.

٢٠. إمامُهُمْ مُنْتَقى أَفْرادِهِمْ حَسَنٌ
وادي النَّدى من له المَعْروفُ عُنْوَانُ

21. A shaykh with God through all his states, always -
The balance leaned clear in his favor among the folk.

٢١. شيخٌ مع اللهِ في أَطْوارِهِ أَبداً
لهُ ترجَّحَ في الأَقْوامِ ميزَانُ

22. It's as though the drums of joy are beating for him
While standards rise for him on high.

٢٢. كأنَّني وطُبولُ ِّرضِ ضارِبَةٌ
له ومنهُ على العَلْياءِ صِيوَانُ

23. An anchor from Abu al-'Abbas binds us fast,
And we're all limbs within it in the garden.

٢٣. عَقيلَةٌ من أَبي العَبَّاسِ تجمَعُنا
وكُلُّنا ضِمنَها في الرَّوْضِ أَغْصَانُ

24. I'm the hidden one, without kith or child,
Though I've kin and brothers among them.

٢٤. أَنا الخَفِيُّ بلا أَهلٍ ولا وَلَدٍ
نعمْ ولي منهُمُ آلٌ وإخْوَانُ

25. God will reveal from them a full moon of my gnosis,
Clarified, while below it lies the talisman.

٢٥. سيُطْلِعُ اللهُ منهُمْ بدرَ معرِفَتي
يُجْلى ومن دونِهِ في النَّسْجِ كِيوَانُ

26. After a bending, his appearance's diffusion will come,
For all things have a time and moment set.

٢٦. يكونُ من بعدِ طَيٍّ نَشْرُ مظهَرِهِ
وكلُّ شيءٍ لهُ وقتٌ وإِبَّانُ