
The breeze of spring did not stir me,

ما هفهفتني نسمة الربيع

1. The breeze of spring did not stir me,
Except that it melted my whole being in passion,

١. ما هَفْهَفَتْني نَسْمَةُ الرَّبيعِ
إِلاَّ أذابتْ في الهَوى جَميعي

2. Nor did I hear the warbling of its melody,
Except that my tears sang on the ground.

٢. ولا سَمعْتُ سَحَراً رَنينَها
إِلاَّ وَرَنَّتْ بالثَرى دُموعي

3. It said, you heard and were happy distracted,
From my stirring, and came in transports of passion.

٣. قالتْ سَمِعتَ واغْتَدَيْتَ لاهياً
عن هَفَفي وجِئْتَ بالوُلوعِ

4. I said, Indeed I heard you and was made joyous,
By a slave humble, listening, obedient.

٤. قُلْتُ لقد سَمعتُ منكِ وابْهجي
بِعَبدِ رِقٍّ سامعٍ مُطيعِ

5. It said, go with the throng and walk to the living one,
And you were distracted by his perfect beauty.

٥. قالتْ معَ الرُّكبانِ سِرْ لِحيِّ من
ولهْتَ في جَمالِهِ البَديعِ

6. I said, the throng travelled on the path of a bird,
Where are they to one weak and broken.

٦. قُلْتُ انْتَحى الرُّكْبانُ سَيرَ طائرٍ
أينََ هُمُ من عاجزٍ ضَليعِ

7. It said, is there not from a sigh within you,
Arts of passion flowing in your ribs.

٧. قالتْ أما من زَفْرَةٍ فيكَ سَرَتْ
منها فُنونُ الشَّوقِ بالضُّلوعِ

8. I said, Yes, but it lies hidden,
In a heart ardent, restless and wounded.

٨. قُلْتُ بَلى لكنَّها كامِنَةٌ
ضِمْنَ فُؤادٍ شَيِّقٍ وَجيعِ

9. O breeze, there came to us from their neighbourhood,
A fragrance that takes from the transports of passion.

٩. يا نَسمةً جاءَتْ لنا من حَيِّهمْ
رَشيقَةً تَفْتُكُ بالهَلوعِ

10. By Allah, is there any news we see in it,
An affair binding our severed rope.

١٠. بالله هلْ من خبرٍ نَرى به
شأناً لِوَصلِ حَبْلِنا القَطيعِ

11. O wind, dispel any distress,
Show us open relief.

١١. يا ريحُ رُبَّ كُرْبَةٍ أزالها
بارِؤُنا بالفَرَجِ السَّريعِ

12. My crazed love galloped in the hills,
Where am I from its vast expanse.

١٢. خيلَمُ حبِّي بالطُّلولِ جَلْجَلَتْ
أينََ أنا من رُحْبِها الوَسيعِ

13. Do they, if they stirred to life by its motion,
Encircle me as if clad imprisoned.

١٣. أإنُّ إنْ حَيَّتْ لنا بِنَشرِها
مُطَوَّقاً كأنَّةِ المَلْسوعِ

14. I mourn the living and my tears are blood,
And my eyelids deprived of sleep.

١٤. وأنْدُبُ الحَيَّ ودَمعي كَدَمي
ومُقْلَتي مَحْرومَةُ الهُجوعِ

15. Where is sleep from a love-sick captive,
My Lord of loves disturbed and fevered.

١٥. أينََ الهُجوعُ من فَقيدٍ شَجنٍ
رَبِّ غَرامٍ قَلِقٍ صَريعِ

16. Like the wounded deer, while the wolves
Surrounded it, separated from the herd.

١٦. مثلَ ضَليعِ الشَّاةِ والذِّئابُ قد
لَفَّتْ بها شَذَّتْ عن القَطيعِ

17. I took my armor, steadfastness its strength,
And it is the best armor.

١٧. أخَذْتُ دِرْعي مُحْكَمَ الصَّبرَ بِهم
وأنَّهُ من أحْسَنِ الدُّروعِ

18. I stood before them with humility,
Circling all over my being.

١٨. وقد وَقَفْتُ عندَهُمْ بأنَّةٍ
طافَ جَميعُها على مَجْموعي

19. Dead like the living, like an apparition bearing,
The raiment of life, humble in reverence.

١٩. مَيْتٌ كَحَيٍّ كالخَيالِ حاملاً
ثَوْبَ الحَياةِ وافرُ الخُشوعِ

20. The breeze of love encompassed me through them,
Like the including of branches to origin.

٢٠. قد شَمِلَتْني نَفْحَةُ الحُبِّ بهم
مثلَ شُمولِ الأصلِ للفُروعِ

21. The sorrowing heart of an estranged wanderer,
Who should tend the sorrowing estranged wanderer.

٢١. مَوْجوعُ قلبٍ وغَريبٌ نازِحٌ
من للغَريبِ النَّازحِ المَوْجوعِ

22. I keep vigil for them hungry,
And my vigil and hunger are sweet to me.

٢٢. أسْهَرُ فيهم جائعاً لأجْلِهمْ
ولَذَّ عندي سَهَري وَجوعي

23. As if when their lightning flashes,
I am a traveller returning home.

٢٣. كأنَّني إن لَمَعَتْ بُروقُهُمْ
مُسافرٌ حَنَّ إلى الرُّجوعِ

24. My heart cast into the expanse of their glory,
Saying, extend the rope to the falling one.

٢٤. وَقيعُ قلبي بِرحابِ عِزِّهمْ
يقولُ مُدُّوا الحَبْلَ للوَقيعِ

25. What is mine when the chests spurned me,
Except the ambition of the interceder.

٢٥. مالي وقد أوْهى الصُّدودُ جَلَدي
إِلاَّ عَريضُ هِمَّةِ الشَّفيعِ

26. The secret of existence chosen from Hashim,
Lord of Majesty, Vanquisher, Observer.

٢٦. سِرُّ الوُجودِ المُنْتَقى من هاشمٍ
رَبُّ الجَلالِ القاهرِ المَريعِ

27. Teacher of good and pourer of dew,
And lowering garment upon all.

٢٧. مُعَلِّمُ الخَيرِ وفَيَّاضُ النَّدى
ومُسْبِلُ الذَّيْلِ على الجَميعِ

28. O soul, do not consent except to their doorsteps,
A market of righteousness, buy and sell.

٢٨. يا نَفْسُ لا تَرْضَيْ سِوى أعْتابِهِ
سوقَ صَلاحٍ فاشْتَري وَبيعي

29. Shake my sleeve in their sanctuaries,
At the majestic fortress, inaccessible.

٢٩. وكَلْكلي الأسْتارَ في رِحابِهِ
عندَ جَليلِ حِصْنهِ المَنيعِ

30. Pray to God always through him,
And through his noble, lofty rank,

٣٠. ناجي الإلهَ دائماً بِوَجْههِ
وبِشَريفِ جاههِ الرَّفيعِ

31. May his Lord pray upon him the duration of eternity,
In the respected, elevated, raised station.

٣١. صَلَّى عليهِ رَبُّهُ مَدى المَدى
في المَلاءِ المُحْتَرَمِ المَرفوعِ

32. And his two companions and the chosen Imam,
And those who rest in Baqi’s garden.

٣٢. وصاحِبَيْهِ والإمامِ المُرْتَضى
والسَّاكِنينَ جَنَّةَ البَقيعِ