
What is with a people who you see attributing might to others?

ما بال قوم ترى للغير مقدرة

1. What is with a people who you see attributing might to others?
Rather, it is others who are controlled in circumstances.

١. ما بالُ قومٍ ترى للغيرِ مقْدرَةً
ضلُّوا بل الغيرُ في الأَحْوالِ مقْدُورُ

2. Indeed, they worshipped others, so they were cut off.
And the effort of one who sincerely devotes to God's oneness is appreciated.

٢. سُقماً لقد عَبَدوا الأَغْيارَ فانْقَطَعوا
وسعْيُ من أَخلَصَ التَّوحيدَ مَشْكُورُ

3. They went ahead scheming in their plotting,
but they went ahead while their party is subdued by firmness.

٣. مضَوْا يَرومونَ أَمراً في تحيُّلِهِمْ
مضَوْا وحزبُهُمُ بالصَّدِّ مقْهُورُ

4. They spread their opinion through false claims when they schemed,
yet all of them are folded under the cloak of subjugation.

٤. واسْتَرشَقوا رأيَهُمْ بالزَّعمِ إذْ مَكَروا
وكلُّهم تحت طيِّ القهرِ ممكُورُ

5. Leave them and what they falsely claim, and turn away from them forever.
You are not close to them, O glorious master.

٥. دعَهُمْ وما انتَحَلوهُ واقْصِهِمْ أَبداً
ما أَنْتَ في قربِهِمْ يا خِلُّ مغْدُورُ

6. Do not fear their falsehood, rather sleep in peace, for
they contrived over it deceptions - all of it false.

٦. ولا تخفْ زورَهُمْ نمْ بالأَمانِ فما
طَوَوْا عليه الخَفايا كلُّهُ زُورُ

7. A defeated party - disgrace supports its partisans,
while you, by God and the Chosen One, are victorious.

٧. حزبٌ كَسيرٌ أَذلَّ الخِزْيُ ناصِرَهُ
وأنتَ باللهِ والمُخْتارِ منْصُورُ

8. That is the good news from the soul of the Prophet that came,
so his promise is true, and the word is carried out.

٨. تلكَ البِشارَةُ عن رُوحِ النَّبيِّ أَتتْ
فوعدُهُ صادِقٌ والقولُ مبرُورُ

9. The envious ones will not be separated from disgrace
until the trumpet is blown.

٩. والحاسِدونَ بخِزْيٍ لا يُفارِقُهُمْ
على المذلَّةِ حتَّى يُنْفَخَ الصُّورُ

10. Their pillar - how their desire to annihilate it failed - is in ruins,
while your pillar, by God's support, is inhabited.

١٠. ورُكنُهُمْ كيف همُّوا بائِدٌ خَرِبٌ
وأنتَ ركنُكَ بالتَّوفيقِ مَعْمُورُ

11. They slept in the darkness of their delusions.
Yes, the bedmate of false claims has no light for it.

١١. باتوا على ظُلُماتٍ من وَساوِسِهم
نعم ضَجيعُ الدَّعاوى ما لهُ نُورُ

12. They harbored enmity against the Chosen One like themselves and were hostile,
but after the rope was long, it destroyed them.

١٢. بغَوْا على المُصْطَفى أَمثالُهُمْ وعَدَوْا
فنابَهُمْ بعدَ طولِ الحبْلِ تدْميرُ

13. And God supported the manifestation of His Chosen against all,
indeed, his sharp sword in the universe is well known.

١٣. وأَيَّدَ اللهُ رغمَ الكُلِّ مظهَرَهُ
بلى وصَمْصامُهُ في الكونِ مشْهُورُ

14. So, adhere to remembrance and leave the nonsense of their shouting,
for the rememberer of God is showered with good things.

١٤. فلازِمِ الذِّكرَ واتركْ غَوْشَ صائحِهِمْ
فذاكِرُ اللهِ بالخَيْراتِ مَغْمُورُ

15. If you are heedless, return to remembrance joyfully,
for the sins of a lover are forgiven with loved ones.

١٥. وإن غفَلْتَ فعُدْ للذِّكْرِ مبتَهِجاً
ذَنْبُ المُحِبِّ مع الأَحْبابِ مغْفُورُ

16. The confused hearts of your enemies were disturbed,
while your heart is content with faith.

١٦. قُلوبُ أَعدائِكَ البُهْتانُ أَقلقَها
وأنتَ قلبُكَ بالإِيمانِ مَسْرُورُ

17. Take humility to the Merciful as a means of nearness -
the name of God, with a fathah on the baa, is in the genitive case.

١٧. خذْ بانْكِسارِكَ للرَّحمنِ مقرَبَةً
ذُو الانْكِسارِ ببابِ اللهِ مجْبُورُ

18. Do not neglect decorating the home of your heart
even if a people whose only concern is houses are destroyed.

١٨. ولم يفُتْ ذا انْكِسارٍ فيضُ بارِئِهِ
ولم يفُزْ بالإِحْسانِ مَغْرُورُ

19. And take your companions to the Master quickly,
and say to them, whenever the journey is good, "Let's go."

١٩. وامْشِ المُطَيْطاءَ للدُّنيا فقِسْمَتُها
لا بدَّ تأتي فقلْ يا أَهلَها طِيروا

20. For our sun is rising in the horizons of the universe -
the blind are not harmed when it shines on them.

٢٠. وابنِ التَّواضُعَ حصناً واصْطَنِعْهُ يداً
اسمُ الإِلهِ بباءِ الكسرِ مجْرُورُ

21. We have hearts that soar to the Creator,
inscribed on them is the line of love of God.

٢١. ودارُ قلبِكَ لا تهمِلْ عِمارَتَها
وإنْ تَهالَكَ قومٌ همُّها الُّدورُ

22. Our righteousness blossoms with various acts of righteousness,
and our sea overflows with the disciplines of knowledge.

٢٢. وخذْ رِفاقَكَ للمولى على عَجَلٍ
وقلْ لهُمْ كلَّما طابَ السُّرى سِيروا

23. The Shaykh of the Camels has elevated our pillar,
our watering place in love is restricted to him.

٢٣. فشمسُنا في فَجاجِ الكَوْنِ طالِعَةً
ما ضرَّها حينَ تَعْمى عِنْدَها العُورُ

24. We were intoxicated with a cup whose drink causes no aftermath,
so we tasted it until the Resurrection drunk.

٢٤. لنا قُلوبٌ إلى الخَلاَّقِ طائرَةً
برِقِّها سطرُ حُبِّ اللهِ مَسْطُورُ

25. From the Bearer of Good News, the father of Zahra, our master -
through this lofty rank we have glad tidings.

٢٥. وبرُّنا بصُنوفِ البرِّ مزدَهِرٌ
وبحرُنا بفُنونِ العلمِ مَسْجُورُ

26. No criticizing from the world criticizes us,
even if the hearts of the envious are pierced with criticism.

٢٦. شيخُ البَطائِحِ قد أَعلى دِعامَتَنا
عليه مَشربُنا في الحُبِّ مَقْصُورُ

27. An owl wept for us amidst the riders of the darkness,
so our clothes were stained with clay for God.

٢٧. لقد سكِرْنا بكأْسٍ لا عَصيرَ به
فذَوْقُنا منه حتَّى الحشرِ مَخْمُورُ

28. We are the party of truth that was intended,
and its clear verse in the Book of Victory is well known.

٢٨. من البشيرِ أَبي الزَّهراءِ سيِّدِنا
لنا برفْعَةُ هذا الشَّأْنِ تَبْشيرُ

29. The way of the Prophet is our state and gnosis now -
in this journey there is no changing or altering.

٢٩. ولا نَقيرٌ من الدُّنيا يُناقِرُنا
قلباً وإنْ طمَّ للحُسَّادِ تَنْقيرُ

30. The one sick with desire came seeking to humiliate us -
the doctor erred, and the remedies betrayed him.

٣٠. بكتْ لنا بينَ رُكْبانِ الدُّجى مُقَلٌ
فثوبُنا وَجَلاً للهِ ممْطُورُ

31. If the critic examined the lights of our manifestation,
healing rains would turn him back from our vast terrains.

٣١. ونحنُ طائِفَةُ الحقِّ التي قُصِدَتْ
والنَّصُّ فيها لأَهلِ الذَّوْقِ مَشْهُورُ

32. If we stayed in ornamented gardens,
the houris would stand sweeping our thresholds.

٣٢. طورُ النَّبيِّ بِنا حالاً ومعرِفَةً
ما فيه في السَّيْرِ تبْديلٌ وتَغْييرُ

33. We have turned our aspirations away from the universes,
and they have no concern or influence over us.

٣٣. أَتى مَريضُ الهَوى يسعَى لذِلَّتِنا
ضلَّ الطَّبيبُ وخانَتْهُ العَقاقيرُ

34. The light of our dawn disturbed the people -
it makes bats go to sleep when you shed light!

٣٤. لو أَنصَفَ المُجْتَلي أَنوارَ مظهَرِنا
لنابَهُ من حِمانا الرَّحبِ تَطْهيرُ

35. We seek none but our Master, so say to them:
"Die while your qiblah is coins!"

٣٥. ولو أَقمْنا بجَنَّاتٍ مزخْرَفَةٍ
لقامَ يكْنِسُ في أَعْتابِنا الحُورُ

36. We flew with the wings of gnosis outspread,
while a sparrow stirs them up with claims.

٣٦. إنَّا لوَيْنا عنِ الأَكْوانِ مُقْلَتَنا
وما لها عندَنا همٌّ وتأثيرُ

37. Our Lord singled us out with support - He is its helper,
while He breaks them as a group with abandonment.

٣٧. قد أَزْعَجَ القومَ منَّا نورُ طالِعِنا
يُعْشي الخَفافيشَ لو حقَّقْتَ تَنْويرُ

38. For every rank there is a secret that upholds it,
and affairs are precisely measured in God's unseen realm.

٣٨. ما قصدُنا غيرَ مولانا فقلْ لهُمُ
موتوا وقِبْلَتُكُمْ وهي الدَّنانيرُ

39. Their dreams raved due to their evil conduct -
their interpretation indicates their rejection.

٣٩. طِرْنا بأَجنِحَةِ العِرْفانِ مفرَدَةً
وراحَ يُنْهِضُهُمْ بالزَّعمِ عُصْفورُ

40. The sign of truth never leaves our curriculum,
for its symbol, in the Book of Victory, is explained.

٤٠. وفَرْدُنا ربٌّهُ بالعونِ ناصِرُهُ
وجمعُهُمْ فيه بالخِذْلانِ تَكْسيرُ

41. Commit to our protection, and do not leave our methods,
for you, by God, are victorious and protected.

٤١. لكلِّ منزِلَةٍ سِرٌّ يقومُ بها
وللشُؤُنِ بغيْبِ اللهِ تَقْديرُ

٤٢. أَحْلامُهُمْ سَفِهَتْ من سوءِ سيرَتِهِمْ
لها بمضْمونِها المَرْدودِ تَعْبيرُ

٤٣. وآيةُ الحقِّ من مِنْهاجِنا أَبداً
لرَمْزِها في كتابِ النَّصرِ تَفْسيرُ

٤٤. إِلزَمْ حِمانا ولا تتركْ مَناهِجَنا
وأنتَ باللهِ منصورٌ ومَسْتُورُ