
Our auspicious stars have only shone in our gatherings,

ما رفرف السعد إلا في محاضرنا

1. Our auspicious stars have only shone in our gatherings,
And glory has only been revealed through our manifestations.

١. ما رفْرَفَ السَّعدُ إِلاَّ في مَحاضِرِنا
ولا انْجَلى العِزُّ إِلاَّ في مَظاهِرِنا

2. All boasts, if you examine their essence,
Are folded when they appear amongst our prides.

٢. كلُّ المَفاخِرِ إن حقَّقْتَ زُبْدَتَها
مطوِيَّةٌ حينَ تَبدو في مَفاخِرِنَا

3. The subtleties of the unseen are inspired by our mysteries,
And their decoration abundantly flows from our mysteries.

٣. رَقائِقُ الغيبِ تُمْليها سَرائِرُنا
ونَقْشُها مُستفاضٌ من سَرائِرِنَا

4. The saints, though their ranks are exalted,
The greatest amongst them reside in our lowliest.

٤. والأَولِياءُ وإنْ جلَّتْ مَراتِبُهُمْ
لاذَ الأَكابِرُ منهُمْ في أَصاغِرِنَا

5. How many visions of infatuated people have been obscured,
Having attained the dawns of openings from our visions.

٥. وكم بَصائِرُ قومٍ في الهَوى انْطَمَسَتْ
نالَتْ شُروقَ فُتوحٍ من بَصائِرِنَا

6. In the valleys of divine disclosure of our truths
Are fine points inspired from our presences.

٦. وفي بَوادي التَّجلِّي عن حقائِقِنا
دقائقٌ هي تُمْلى من حواضِرِنَا

7. The fragrance of musk of inspiration, whenever it spreads,
Its secrets quench thirst from our expressions.

٧. عَبيرُ مسكِ التَّدلِّي كلَّما عَبَقَتْ
أَسرارُهُ راحَ يروي عن عَبائِرِنَا

8. And all the signs of Allah's saints, if they are spread,
Are wrapped up in our assemblage of indications.

٨. وكلُّ أَعلامِ أهلِ اللهِ إنْ نُشِرَتْ
تُطوى مع البَسطِ في مَجلى أَشائِرِنَا

9. The most blessed heavenly support has not ceased
To draw copious water from our glad tidings.

٩. وأَنعُمُ المَدَدِ القُدْسِيِّ ما برِحَتْ
تنهَلُّ وَبْلاً خِضَمًّا من بَشائِرِنَا

10. The greatest people of mystical states from every group
Are between our thresholds or in our circles.

١٠. كُبَّارُ أهلِ الوَحا من كلِّ طائفَةٍ
ما بينَ أَعتابِنا أو في دَوائِرِنَا

11. The trusteeship of the Chosen One in spreading his wisdom
Stood by our absent and present ones.

١١. نِيابَةُ المُصْطَفى في نشرِ حكمَتِهِ
قامتْ بغائِبِنا قِدْماً وحاضِرِنَا

12. And his light continues to illuminate our esoteric dimension,
While his glory is evident in us externally.

١٢. ونُورُهُ لم يزَلْ يُجْلى بباطِنِنا
وعِزُّهُ ظاهِرٌ فينا بظاهِرِنَا

13. We have mystics of the unseen who have openly declared
On the platform of religion from our pulpits.

١٣. لنا فُحولُ غُيوبٍ ظاهِراً خَطَبَتْ
على منصَّةِ دِينٍ من منابِرِنَا

14. From every sanctuary of Mount Sinai in our mosques
And every heartfelt presence in our dwellings.

١٤. من كلِّ جامِعِ طَوْرٍ في جوامِعِنا
وكلِّ حاضِرِ قلبٍ في حَضائِرِنَا

15. The flashes of sublime meanings are folded in our sanctuaries
As the risings of meanings are in our cemeteries.

١٥. تُلوَى بُروقُ المَعالي في مشاهِدِنا
وذي شُروقُ المَعاني في مقابِرِنَا

16. Every disseminator of pearls is beneath our disseminator,
And every poet of taste is beneath our poet.

١٦. وكلُّ ناثِرِ دُرٍّ دونَ ناثِرِنا
وكلُّ شاعِرِ ذَوْقٍ دونَ شاعِرِنَا

17. Take from the small ones of our protective refuge every honor,
And draw the ropes of inspiration from our greatest ones.

١٧. خذْ عن صِغارِ حِمانا كلَّ مكرُمَةٍ
وافْتَقْ رُتوقَ التَّدلِّي عن أَكابِرِنَا

18. Say to the stubbornly resistant in sickness and delirium,
You have opposed the authority of our victorious supporter out of envy.

١٨. قلْ للمُكابِرِ طَيْشاً مِتَّ في سَقَمٍ
عارَضْتَ عن حَسَدٍ سُلطانَ ناصِرِنَا

19. If you play in ignorance with our helpless ones,
Then you are already afflicted, and unaware of our Omnipotent.

١٩. إذا عَبَثْتَ على جهلٍ بعاجِزِنا
فقد بُليتَ ولم تشعُرْ بقادِرِنَا