
My tears flowed like a stream from my withered eyelids

جرى دمعي السياح من جفني البالي

1. My tears flowed like a stream from my withered eyelids
Oh people of lofty aspirations, my afflictions have increased

١. جرى دمْعِيَ السَّيَّاحُ من جفْنِيَ البَالِي
وقد زادَ يا أَهلَ المَعارِجِ بِلْبَالِي

2. I became like a pouring rain showered by misfortunes since my youth
My dear friends who are preoccupied with them for a long time

٢. وقد صِرتُ صبًّا صابَهُ الصَّبُّ من صَبا
أَحبَّائيَ المَشْغولِ فيهِمْ مَدًى بَالِي

3. My dear ones with anklets and moles, a lovely group
With joint eyebrows and alluring dimples

٣. أخِلاَّيَ بالخَلْخالِ والخالِ خُلَّةٌ
وبالحاجِبِ المَقْرونِ والمَبسَمِ الحَالِي

4. With coquettish movements during encounters
And with a tall, proud gait in the company of camels

٤. وبالحَرَكاتِ الكَسْرَوِيَّاتِ في اللِّقا
وبالصَّولَةِ الشَّمْخاءِ في رَكبِ عُذَّالِي

5. Call upon me if hostility assaults me
And promise to help me and refrain from blaming me

٥. عِدوني وعودوني إذا اعْتَدَّني العِدى
وعودوا بإسْعافٍ وعودوا عنِ القَالِي

6. Do not sever my rope for I am your protector
And do not crush my heart with the knot of estrangement

٦. ولا تَقْطَعوا حَبْلي فإنِّي عَقيلُكُمْ
ولا تَمْحَقوا قلبي بعُقَدَةِ إعْقَالِي

7. For you are my essence, my existence, my life
My affection, my goal, my hope and my determination

٧. ففيكُمْ بُنِيَ بائي وهائي وهَمْزَتي
وأُلِّفَ لامي إنَّما دالُكُمْ دَالِي

8. So O you whose goodness nurtures a pact
For the likes of me and whose light dazzles the similar

٨. فيا من بياءِ اليَرْعِ يرعَوْنَ ذِمَّةً
لمِثْلي ونونُ النُّورِ يُدهِشُ أَمثَالِي

9. Ask the night about my teary eyes which sorrow has blinded
And whether the breeze of sleep has encompassed them with ruin

٩. سَلوا اللَّيْلَ عن عَيْني أَهَلْ عَنَّها الكَرَى
وهل عمَّها ريحُ المَنامِ بأَطْلالِ

10. And whether my tongue once sincerely complained of any
Other than you, and whether I hallucinated about anyone else

١٠. وهل لَهِجٌ يوماً لِساني لعِزْوَةٍ
سِواكُمْ وهل خَيَّلْتُ بالعمِّ والخالِ

11. By your right, sincerely, my heart is humbled
To any meaning other than your remembrance, vacant

١١. وحقِّكُمُ حَقًّا وذُلِّل لعزِّكُمْ
فُؤادي من معنَى سِوى ذِكرِكُمْ خَالِ

12. I fell in love with you before my soul's creation
By that, the king of command informed me secretly

١٢. تعَشَّقْتُكُمْ من قبلِ تَكْوينِ طينَتي
بذاكَ مَليكُ الأَمرِ بالغَيْبِ أَوْحى لي

13. So my abundance is from your overflow, and I grow at your door
And from the surge of your favors, the washing of my afflictions

١٣. فمن فَيْضِكُمْ فَيْضي وأُنْمى لِبابِكُمْ
ومن موجِ إحْساناتِكُمْ غَسْلُ أَوْحَالِي

14. And if a palm has sufficed me, a fulfilling, satisfying palm
It has sufficed me with the sufficiency of fulfillment over my adversity

١٤. وإنْ كفَّني كَفٌّ كَفيفٌ مُكَفْكِفٌ
كَفاني بكَفْكافِ الكِفايَةِ عن كَالِي

15. And if the anklet of majesty rang, ringing
The chambers of my heart, I knelt to the glorious, ringing one

١٥. وإنْ جالَ جَلْجالُ الجَلالَةِ جالِياً
جَلائلَ قَلبي جُلْتُ للجُلْجُلِ الجَالِي

16. So through you I died to anything other than you and to your life
And indeed capriciousness has transgressed in gossip and saying

١٦. فَنيتُ بكُمْ عن غيرِكُمْ وحَياتِكُمْ
وقد شَطَحَ العُذَّالُ بالقيلِ والقَالِ

17. I incline towards you like boughs do towards the breeze
And in your shadow, my adornment and roaming do not cease

١٧. أميلُ بكُمْ مَيْلِ الغُصونِ مع الصَّبا
وفي ظلِّكُمْ لا زالَ حلَّي وتِرحَالِي

18. The night tires me, I shorten its inclination
With the inclination of sighs from a cracked, leaning heart

١٨. وقد ملَّ منِّي اللَّيلُ أقطَعُ ميلهُ
بملَّةِ آهٍ من فَؤادٍ شَجٍ مَالِي

19. And things appear to me from every unraveled seam
To distract me from you, but I do not ask

١٩. وتظهَرُ لي الأَشياءُ من كلِّ بترِزٍ
لتُسلِيَني عنكُمْ وما أنا بالسَّالي

20. And I compose in you poetry of lines of wisdom
Whose diffusion from me scents the tone of chanting

٢٠. وأَنظِمَ فيكُمْ شِعرَ آياتِ حكمَةٍ
يعطَّرِ منِّي نشرُها لهجَةَ التَّالي

21. For you are my life, dead of longing for you
Connect my ropes and have mercy on the death of my humiliation

٢١. فأَنتُمْ حَياتي مِتُّ شوقاً لأَجلِكُمْ
صِلوا لي حِبالي وارْحَموا موتَ إذْلالي

22. And do not distance me from the ropes of your imaginary vision
For with me is the scent of your soil, precious

٢٢. ولا تُبعِدوني عن حِبالِ خَيالِكُمْ
فعندي شَميمُ التُّربِ من رُحْبِكُمْ غالِ

23. The hopes of every seeker hung
On something, while you my masters are all my hopes

٢٣. تعلَّقَتِ الآمالُ من كلِّ طالِبٍ
بشيءٍ وأنتُمْ سادَتي كلُّ آمَالِي

24. As for you, my heart, my soul, my hearing
My secret, my openness, all me and my hopes

٢٤. فأَمَّا لكُمْ قَلبي وروحي ومَسْمَعي
وسِرِّي وإِجْهاري وكُلِّي وآمَالِي

25. Yes, I am, O soul of events, your possession
Indeed, the Lord of wealth preserves for the owned

٢٥. نَعَمْ أَنا يا روحُ الحَوادِثِ مالُكُمْ
أجلْ إنَّ ربَّ المالِ يحفظُ للمالِ

26. I poured my tears wave after wave
On you, but the vacant minded did not comprehend

٢٦. صبَبْتُ دُموعي موجةً بعدَ موجةٍ
عليكُمْ ولم يفقَهْ بها فارِغُ البَالِ

27. If anguish reveals my disgrace collectively
And if I conceal anguish, my disgrace is amazed

٢٧. فإنْ أشرَحِ البَلوى تَهاجَمَ عُذَّلي
وإنْ أَكتُمِ البَلوى تعَجَّبَ عُذَّالي

28. And I believe that concealment is a greater affliction
When it is said this is the lord of a concerned heart

٢٨. وعِندي أَنَّ الكَتْمَ أقوى بليَّةٍ
إذا قيلَ هذا رَبُّ قلبٍ بهِمْ خالِ

29. I wrapped the slender, tender gazelle in the vastness of a meadow
And the hump of eyelids that stripped whichever separater

٢٩. وَلِفْتُ الظِّباءَ الغيدَ في بَرِّ لَعْلَعٍ
وهُدْبِ جُفونٍ جرَّدَتْ أَيَّ فَصَّالِ

30. And the subtlety of those petite figures that concealed
Every meaning that cannot be depicted in words

٣٠. ورِقَّةِ هاتيكَ الخُصورِ التي انْطَوَتْ
على كلِّ معنًى لا يُكَيِّفُ بالقَالِ

31. And the sorcery of eyes when its eyelids blink
They shake the hearts of lovers with tremors

٣١. وسحرُ عُيونٍ حينَ يرمِشُ طرفُها
تُريعُ قُلوبَ العاشِقينَ بزَلْزالِ

32. My hair flirts with your love, flirting
Look, my masters, at the dot of the letter dhal

٣٢. تدَلُّلُ شِعري في هَواكُمْ تذلُّلٌ
أَلا فابْصُروا يا سادَتي نقطَةَ الذَّالِ

33. And my past illness, by my life, contends
With a matter the beginning of which informed of the present

٣٣. وماضي سِقامي يا لَعَمْرِي مُضارِعٌ
بأَمرٍ روى عن مبدئي خَبَرَ الحَالِ

34. As if tribulations from my passion are fruitless
Its outcome being my humiliation and the disgrace of my conditions

٣٤. كأنَّ القَضايا من غَرامي عَقيمَةٌ
نتيجَتُها ذُلِّي وأِيهانُ أَحْوالي

35. A ta, ba, and even a wow in its hidden meaning
We have opened from oaths the doors of reverence

٣٥. وتاءٌ وباءٌ بل وواوٌ بسِرِّها
فتَحْنا من الأَقْسامِ أَبوابَ إجْلالِ

36. Your servants, the others never stirred their hearts
With the shock of retreat and the intoxication of advance

٣٦. عَبيدُكُمْ ما خامَرَ الغَيْرُ قَلبَهُ
بصدمَةِ إدْبارٍ وسكرَةِ إقْبالِ

37. Your servant at the two states is equal
And my state, as you know it, in love, is thus

٣٧. سَواءٌ على الحالَيْنِ عبدُ رِكابِكُمْ
وحالي كما تَدْرونَهُ في الهَوَى حالِ

38. So neither the army, though its leader provoked it
Nor the very noisy country with its people and governor

٣٨. فلا الجُنْدُ تُلْهيني استفَزَّ أَميرُها
ولا البَلَدُ الغَصَّاصُ بالقومِ والوَالِي

39. Nor everyone exalted and lowly in existence
Nor everything ambiguous and apparent in forms

٣٩. ولا كلُّ عالٍ في الوُجودِ وسافِلٌ
ولا كلُّ مَطْموسٍ وظاهِرُ أَشْكالِ

40. Towards you, I have directed my destination
And through my love for you, purified all my acts

٤٠. إليكُمْ لقد وجَّهْتُ يل قومُ وِجْهَتي
وزكَّيْتُ في حُبِّي لكُمْ كلَّ أعْمَالِي

41. I donated my dear soul mistakenly assuming
The soul had relaxed for you, but it is not mine

٤١. تصدَّقْتُ بالرُّوحِ العَزيزَةِ غالِطاً
زَعَمْتُ بأَنَّ الرُّوحَ راحَتْ لكُمْ ما لي

42. Indeed, the human's intention is better for him than the
Deeds that bring deeds of deeds

٤٢. أَجلْ نِيَّةُ الإنْسانِ خيرٌ له من الشُّ
ؤنِ التي تأتي بأعمالِ أعْمالِ

43. We intended a fast from the whole universe for you
And you are for us a celebration, and your rank is high

٤٣. نَوَيْنا لكُمْ صوْماً عن الكَوْنِ كلّهُ
وأنتم لنا عيدٌ وقدرِكُمُ العالي