
Turn, O camel drivers, to the holy valley discreetly,

عوجا إلى الوادي المقدس بالسرى

1. Turn, O camel drivers, to the holy valley discreetly,
And lodge, O she-camels, in the most generous abode,

١. عُوجا إلى الوادي المُقَدَّسِ بالسُّرى
يا نُوقُ واحْتَلَّي بأَكرمِ منزِلِ

2. Graze calmly in a meadow of fine plants,
Inhale the scents of prophethood sincerely

٢. وتَنَوَّري مُقَلاً بزُبْدَةِ عُصبَةٍ
شُمِّ الأُنوفِ من الطِّرازِ الأوَّلِ

3. From one whose heart is constant toward it.
My love for him was the secret core of my bosom,

٣. واستنْشِقي عِطرَ النُّبوَّةِ منه عن
صدقٍ وقَلباً عنهُ لا تتحوَّلي

4. Do not be ignorant of my love for him and speculate.
After him, matters of love were presented to me,

٤. حُبِّي له في سِمْطِ سِرِّي أَوَّلٌ
لا تَجهَلي حُبِّي له وتأَوُّلي

5. But love is only for the first beloved.
A treasure of mystical knowledge adorned with sublimity,

٥. عُرِضَتْ عليَّ شُؤُنُ حُبٍّ بعدَهُ
ما الحُبُّ إِلاَّ للحَبيبِ الأوَّلِ

6. Its blessings through the intimate elite were not ignored.
I witness in him a hidden meaning,

٦. كنزٌ من العِرْفانِ صِينَ برَوْنَقٍ
بَرَكاتُهُ بأُولي النُّهى لم تُجهَلِ

7. Its proof like a sword for one pretending.
He will establish in the regions the return of Ahmed,

٧. إنِّي أُشاهِدُ فيه معنًى خافِياً
بُرهانُهُ كالسَّيفِ للمُتَمَحِّلِ

8. And he will stand in his temple like one wrapping himself.
Through his state appears the reality of his grandfather,

٨. سيُقيمُ في الأَقطارِ نوبَةَ أَحمدٍ
ويقومُ عنهُ مُطَيْلِساً في هَيْكَلِ

9. And through his house the lights of Ahmed shine.
By God, O camel driver, if you come

٩. وبحالِهِ تبدو حَقيقَةُ جَدِّهِ
وببيتِهِ أَنوارُ أحمدَ تنجَلي

10. To his holy valley, then dismount.
Take off your shoes for him and enter humbly,

١٠. باللهِ يا حادي النِّياقِ ألِيَّةً
إنْ جئتَ وادي قُدْسِهِ فترجَّلِ

11. Exclaim Allahu Akbar in its expanse and chant the talbiya.
The valley of Guardianship from the essence of Muhammad,

١١. واخلَعْ له نَعْلَيْكَ وادخُلْ خاشِعاً
كبِّر بذَيَّاكَ الرِّحابِ وهَلِّلِ

12. The secret of prophecy, the handhold of one seeking intercession.
Taha of truths, the rule of Ya Seen the blind,

١٢. وادي الوَلايَةِ من صَميمِ محمَّدٍ
سِرُّ النُّبوَّةِ عروَةَ المُتَوَسِّلِ

13. Ta Seen, the clear verses of the descending Book.
Qaf of comprehension in the meanings of Highness

١٣. طَهَ الحَقائقِ حكمُ يس العَمى
طس نَصِّ كِتابِهِ المُتَنَزِّلِ

14. In every simple or lofty ascent.
The secret is the secret of Muhammad and its rise

١٤. ق الإحاطَةِ في مَضامينِ العُلى
في كلِّ مَعْراجٍ بَسيطٍ أو علي

15. Is in the secret of the holy valley, not in the mountains.
A valley shining with the mention of God

١٥. فالسِّرُّ سِرُّ محمَّدٍ وشُروقُهُ
في سِرِّ وادي القُدسِ لا في الأجبُلِ

16. In the manner of the Enwrapped, the Mantled.
Those wonders from his father and grandfather,

١٦. وادٍ بذِكرِ اللهِ ضاءَ مُشَعْشَعاً
بطَريقَةِ المدَّثرِ المُزَّمِلِ

17. So elevate the Chaste Fatima and the Master Ali.
Do not be veiled from him by the outwardness of his mountain,

١٧. تلكَ الخَوارِقُ عن أَبيهِ وجدِّهِ
وارفَعْ إلى الزَّهراءِ والمولى علي

18. He shows you in the mirror the weaving of burnishing.
Incline toward him and take the fruits of his heart,

١٨. لا تنحَجِبْ عنهُ بظاهِرِ طَوْرِهِ
يُبْديكَ في المرآةِ نسجُ الصَّيْقَلِ

19. For when he affirms with his tablet, none will be neglected.
The one with the brownish rank and endless support

١٩. وارْكُنْ إليه وخذْ نَتائجَ قلبِهِ
فمَتى ثبَتَّ بلوحِهِ لم تُخْذَلِ

20. Who in his journey to God was never shaken.
Firm in his state, settled in his secret,

٢٠. ذو الرُّتبَةِ القَعْساءِ والمَدَدِ الَّذي
في سيرِهِ للهِ لم يتَزَلْزَلِ

21. Loving in his intimacy, not hasty.
He concealed his private affairs and protected his conditions

٢١. متَمَكِّنٌ في طَوْرِهِ متوَطِّدٌ
في سِرِّهِ متأوِّدٌ لم يعْجَلِ

22. From others than his Creator in sincere devotion.
I do not forget when the Prophet said one evening,

٢٢. أَخفى سَريرَتَهُ وصانَ شُؤُنَهُ
عن غيرِ بارِئِهِ بصدقِ تبتُّلِ

23. "Bless the master, the one trusting in God."
So I surrounded him with the breath of his grandfather

٢٣. لم أَنسَ إذْ قالَ النَّبيُّ عشِيَّةً
بارِكْ على ذا السِّيِّدِ المُتَوَكِّلِ

24. And folded in him the fresh water of the highest spring.
I saw in him a gentle, overflowing softness

٢٤. فحَفَفْتُهُ منِّي بنفحَةِ جدِّهِ
وطَوَيْتُ فيه عُذَيْبَ أَشرفِ منهَلِ

25. That flowed over the accepting people in a stream.
Bestow on him bountiful, majestic gifts,

٢٥. فرأَيتُ فيه رَقيقَةً فضفاضَةً
سحَّتْ على أَهلِ القَبولِ بجدْوَلِ

26. His beauty amid humility and flirtation.
The spirit of the Imam Ahmadi nurtured him in all his affairs,

٢٦. أنعِمْ به حَسَناً جَليلاً قدرُهُ
مَجْلاهُ بينَ تَذَلُّلٍ وتدلُّلِ

27. The planet Venus of Sheikhon shone upon him,
So he illuminated the universes without sneaking.

٢٧. ربَّتْهُ معنًى في جميع شُؤُنِهِ
روحُ الإمامِ الأَحمَدِيِّ أبي علي

28. The noble elite of the pristine covenant who
Love the ancient and are intimate without change.

٢٨. وجَلَتْهُ من شَيْخونَ كوكَبَ سَمكِها
فأَضاءَ في الأَكوانِ دونَ تسلُّلِ

29. A house will be seen for him with a long rein
Noble to the highest of pure heavens,

٢٩. وشَرائِفِ العهدِ الصَّميمِ وخالِصِ ال
وُدِّ القَديمِ وأزْجُلٍ لم تُنْقَلِ

30. Surrounded by the poles from its pillars,
Between a Patchwork Sufi or saint.

٣٠. سيُرى له بيتٌ يَطولُ عِنانُهُ
شَرَفاً إلى هامِ السَّماكِ الأعْزَلِ

31. The rest of his mention will go to the regions
Alive and dead, within his manifest image.

٣١. ويُحَفُّ بالأَقطابِ من أَركانِهِ
ما بينَ شيخٍ لَوْذَعِيٍّ أو وَلي

32. So it is as if he is present in every living one,
Alive and active, his state never ceasing.

٣٢. ويَسيرُ للأقْطارِ سائِرُ ذِكْرِهِ
حيًّا وميْتاً ضمنَ مظهَرِهِ الجَلي

33. Wondrous is one with blindness who saw him and did not see
The meaning of beauty through him and did not reason.

٣٣. فكأنَّه في كلِّ حيٍّ حاضِرٌ
حيٌّ وعامِلُ حالِهِ لم يَبْطُلِ

34. This is the sealed treasure, so commit
To its observances that you may unwrap it in submission.

٣٤. عَجَباً لذي طمسٍ رآهُ وما رأَى
معنى الجَمالِ بهِ ولم يَتَعَقَّلِ

35. Make it a sanctuary in your heart and gain
Every good from it, then transmit.

٣٥. هذا هو الكَنْزُ المُطَلْسَمُ فالْتَزِمْ
أرْصادَهُ لتفُكَّها بتذَلُّلِ

36. It is truly the essence of the Sheikh of the Two Easts,
The noblest stature, Abu Dharr the Long-Armed.

٣٦. واجْعلهُ في مِحرابِ قَلبِكَ واسْتَفِضْ
منه عنه كلَّ خيرٍ فانْقُلِ

37. A people through whom the affairs of Muhammad rose up,
Becoming thereby a hope for every hopeful one.

٣٧. هو عينُ شيخِ المُشْرِقينَ حَقيقَةً
سامي الجَنابِ أَبي الذِّراعِ الأَطْوَلِ

38. Take it as the advice of a guide who knows you,
From the essence of Hashim, the decisive sword.

٣٨. قومٌ شُؤُنُ محمَّدٍ برَزَتْ بهم
فغَدَوْا بها أملاً لكلِّ مؤمِّلِ

39. So seek from it the symbol and understand its decree,
Remember your Prophet in prayers and be generous.

٣٩. خذْها نَصيحَةَ مُرشِدٍ لك عارِفٍ
من لُبِّ هاشِمَ ذي حُسامٍ فَيْصَلِ

٤٠. فاسْتَجْلِ منها الرَّمزَ وافهَمْ حُكمَهُ
واذكرْ نبيَّكَ بالصَّلاةِ وأجْزِلِ