
Learn from me the lament in the doctrine of passion,

تعلم مني النوح في مذهب الهوى

1. Learn from me the lament in the doctrine of passion,
The dove of their dwellings lamented for them like me,

١. تعلَّم منِّي النَّوحَ في مذهَبِ الهَوَى
حمامُ نواحيهِمْ فناحَ لهُمْ مِثلي

2. The wind of my fervor rustled in the branches of love,
So it shook with an earthquake, folded from emotional tremors.

٢. وهفَّتْ بأَغصانِ الحِمى ريحُ لَهْفَتي
فقامَتْ بزَلْزالٍ طَوى الهَزَّ في الكُلِّ

3. The hands of happiness have granted from the type of my happiness,
So its deed yearns originally from my deed.

٣. وقدْ أنَّتِ العيدانُ من نوعِ أنَّتي
فها فعلُها يشتَقُّ في الأصلِ من فِعْلي

4. And I came late among the men but rather,
I preceded in the field of love before me.

٤. وقد جئتُ بَعداً في الرِّجالِ وإنَّما
سبقْتُ بميدانِ المحبَّةِ من قَبْلي

5. My beloved acted spoiled before me boastfully,
So I met him with humility and submission.

٥. تدلَّلَ مَحْبوبي عليَّ تعزُّزاً
فقابلتُهُ بالانْكِسارِ وبالذُّلِّ

6. And I walked before him in a procession, what procession!
Levels of the sultans of love were around me.

٦. وسرتُ لهُ في موكِبٍ أيِّ موكِبٍ
صُنوفُ سَلاطينِ المحَبَّةِ من حَوْلي

7. And I stood as an orator among them above a pulpit,
And they took the law of love from my words.

٧. وقمتُ خَطيباً بينَهُمْ فوقَ مِنْبَرٍ
وقد أخَذوا شرعَ المحَبَّةِ عن قوْلي

8. I arbitrated in the art of passion so my state,
Dictates to its people the judgments of its conditions.

٨. تحكَّمْتُ في فنِّ الغَرامِ فحالَتي
لأصحابِهِ أَحكامَ أحْوالِهِ تُمْلي

9. And that I am certain in the knowledge of my doctrine,
My hearing transcended in my best times over rebuke.

٩. وأنِّي على العلمِ اليَقينِ بمذْهَبي
ترفَّعَ في طَوْري سَماعي عنِ العَذْلِ

10. It is knowledge in the origins of rulings, a result,
Purified to the intelligent from ignorance.

١٠. هو العلمُ في أَصلِ القَضايا نَتيجَةٌ
مُنَزَّهَةٌ عندَ اللَّبيبِ عن الجَهْلِ

11. And what is the matter of one who narrates passion as boasting,
Except the matter of an ignorant debating one with merit.

١١. وما شأنُ من يَروي الغَرامَ تَبَجُّحاً
سِوى شأنِ ذي جَهْلٍ يُناظِرُ ذا فَضْلِ

12. He roams foolishly claiming merit just as
The despised claims the rank of intellect.

١٢. يُروحُ فُضولاً يدَّعي الفضلَ مثلَما
غَدا يدَّعي المأفونُ مرتَبَةَ العَقْلِ

13. It is love, something innate, residing
One reasonable and intelligent admits it and one foolish.

١٣. هو الحُبُّ شيءٌ في الطَّبائِعِ ساكِنٌ
يقِرُّ بذي عقلٍ لَبيبٍ وذي خَبْلِ

14. But the brave of people, his sword performs
So the secret was in it, not in the sword.

١٤. ولكنْ شُجاعُ القومِ يفعَلُ نَصْلُهُ
إذاً فيه كانَ السِّرُّ لا السِّرُّ في النَّصْلِ

15. And what use is a sword forged with gemstones,
Blades of steel sharpened by the hand of the weak.

١٥. وما النَّفْعُ من سيفٍ مُصاغٍ بجوهَرٍ
حَديدِ نِصالٍ مُصْلَتٍ بيدِ النَّذْلِ

16. When it confronted the brave stallion you saw it
With its resolve from the palm of the hero stallion.

١٦. متى نازَلَ الفَحْلَ الشُّجاعَ رأَيتَهُ
بهامَتِهِ من راحَةِ البَطَلِ الفَحْلِ

17. Hold on to the state of the gnostics and their deeds
And be firm footed in states and deeds.

١٧. تمسَّكْ بحالِ العارِفينَ وفعلِهِمْ
وكنْ ثابِتَ الأَقْدامِ في الحالِ والفعْلِ

18. Do not detach from them for the connection of others,
For the secrets of elevation are in that detachment and connection.

١٨. ولا تنقَطِعْ عنهُمْ بوصلٍ لغيرِهِمْ
فسِرُّ العُلى في ذلكَ القطعِ والوَصْلِ

19. And frequent their door truthfully with all of you
In all affairs detached from all.

١٩. ولازِمْ بصدقٍ بابَهُمْ مُتَجَرِّداً
بكلِّكَ في كلِّ الشُؤُنِ عن الكُلِّ

20. And take them as a place of request in matters and a refuge,
And a pillar in both conditions, in bond and separation.

٢٠. وخذْهُمْ ضَراعاً في الأُمورِ وملجأً
ورُكْناً على الحالَيْنِ في العقدِ والحَلِّ

21. And from me gain their secrets and their arts,
For I am the trustee of secrets, art, and conveyance.

٢١. ومنِّي اغْتَنِمْ أسرارَهُمْ وفُنونَهُمْ
فإنِّي أَمينُ السِّرِّ والفَنِّ والنَّقْلِ

22. And I am a branch and al-Rifa`i is its origin,
And in the branch is meaning inferred to the origin.

٢٢. وإنِّيَ فرعٌ والرِّفاعِيٌّ أَصلُهُ
وبالفَرْعِ معنًى يُسْتَدَلُّ على الأَصْلِ

23. I surpassed the elite of men with an ambition,
By which I discovered the secrets of the heavens I extract.

٢٣. تقدَّمْتُ أعْيانَ الرِّجالِ بهِمَّةٍ
بِها قمتُ أَسْرارَ السَّمَواتِ أسْتَجْلي

24. And I flew with the wing of truthfulness to the rank that,
Ascended in the abode of glory by ascent and height.

٢٤. وطِرْتُ بجُنْحِ الصِّدقِ للرُّتْبَةِ التي
تَعالَتْ بطورِ المجدِ بالطَّوْرِ والطَّوْلِ

25. Meanings poured from generous hearts,
In the cradle of piety they grew on truth and justice.

٢٥. مَعانٍ أُفيضَتْ عن قُلوبٍ كَريمَةٍ
بمهدِ التُّقى شبَّتْ على الحقِّ والعَدْلِ

26. They rose in the door of God from a heart loving,
The prophet of guidance, best of creation, master of messengers.

٢٦. ترَقَّتْ ببابِ اللهِ من قلبِ حِبِّهِ
نبِيِّ الهُدى خيرِ الوَرَى سيِّدِ الرُّسْلِ

27. Upon him the prayers of God what gleamed with lightning,
And folded like him in existence upon a like.

٢٧. عليهِ صَلاةُ اللهِ ما لاحَ بارِقٌ
وطوبِقَ مِثْلٌ في الوُجودِ على مِثْلِ

28. And family, companions, and pure masters
Beside God eternally they never had any preoccupation.

٢٨. وآلٍ وأَصحابٍ وخُلَّصِ سادَةٍ
سِوى اللهِ دَهراً ما لَهُمْ قطُّ من شُغْلِ