1. My heart which after sanity he misled
A beautiful one captured my heart with his cheek's radiance
١. فؤادي قد أغواه من بعد رشده
مليح سبى قلبي بنضرة خده
2. I humbled myself after dignity for the sake of his love
And I deserted after intimacy because of his distance
٢. تذللت بعد العز من أجل حبه
وأوحشت بعد الأنس من اجل بعده
3. I realized that in passion I missed permanence
If one day he doesn't fulfill his promise
٣. تيقنت أني في الهوى اعدم البقا
إذا لم يجد يوماً بإنجاز وعده
4. My wounds with him returned as they were in my prime
And my fervent love transcended its extent
٤. جروحي به عادت كما كان في الصبا
وفرط غرامي طاف عن حد حده
5. With my soul I ransom the one who has the utmost purpose
Is there anyone more precious than my soul that I ransom
٥. بروحي افدي من لها غاية المنى
وهل من عزيزٍ غير روحي فافده
6. To God from a heart its longing to Him
And from an infatuation that melted for the fire of his closeness
٦. إلى الله من قلبٍ إليه اشتياقه
ومن مهجةٍ ذابت على نار صده
7. By the right of passion, my fervor for him hasn't diminished
And I am forever his slave as long as I live
٧. وحق الهوى لا حلت عن شغفي به
وإني له ما دمت حياً كعبده
8. It is the love that occupies the chests with its power
And who has the power to prevent it
٨. هو الحب يحتل الحشى باقتداره
ومن ذا الذي فيه اقتدار لصده
9. I accepted what he accepts, the one I loved
Perhaps he accepts sincerely my affection
٩. رضيت بما يرضاه من قد هويته
لعله يرضى صادقاً عن موده
10. My delirious heart was captivated by the beauty of Yusuf
So who do I have other than it or its consolation
١٠. سبى قلبي الولهان يوسف حسنه
فمن لي بقلبٍ غيره أو برده
11. My origin of dignity in love is through him
And the origin of my wealth is through needing his help
١١. فذلي لديه أصل عزي في الهوى
واصل ثرائي باحتياجي لرفده
12. By my soul, if glory was for who settled passion
I would have melted since I left the gardens of immortality
١٢. بنفسي لوا نجد لمن سكن اللوى
لقد ذبت مذ فارقت جنات خلده
13. In me there is something that hurts my tall, well-off pride
Criticizing the one who brings light from the light of his cheeks
١٣. وبي مضري أهيف القد مترف
يعير السنى المبدر من نور خده
14. A beautiful one, perfect in beauty, a meadow of his perfection
More comfortable than a meadow and its roses
١٤. مليح صحيح الحسن روض جماله
أرق من الروض الندي وورده
15. The sciences of mathematics are from the inspiration of his glance
And the signs of the judgments of love from his existence
١٥. علوم الرياضيات عن وحي طرفه
وآيات أحكام الغرام بقده
16. The fence of his beauty suffices as a preventer
From the deadly blow of his lion-like audacity
١٦. كفى مانعاً عن وصله سور حسنه
والحاظه في الفتك عن فتك أسده
17. I craved him with a fruitless love
To the misery of my heart from fervent love and its toil
١٧. شغفت به حباً على غير طائل
لشقوة قلبي بالغرام وكده
18. And I am upon the injustice of time and its justice
However he wished, the one I loved, to keep his promise
١٨. وإني على جور الزمان وعدله
كما شاء من أهواه في حفظ عهده