
The passion is disdained though he is most majestic

هوان الهوى عند أعز جلالة

1. The passion is disdained though he is most majestic
And my sanity in following it is all misguidance

١. هوان الهوى عند أعز جلالة
ورشدي اتباعي فيه كل ضلالة

2. And though I was infatuated with the one who brings joy to existence through his splendor
I left the beloved of my heart, not out of misguidance

٢. وإني بمن أنشى الورى في بلاله
تركت حبيب القلب لا عن بلالة

3. And I am surely afflicted in my heart for him, without doubt
And my affliction for his love has made me love him

٣. وإني به مضنى الفؤاد بلا شك
وذلي بحق في هواه هويته

4. And any love other than his love, I have refused
And my night, though the world sleeps, I do not refuse it

٤. وكل هوى إلا هواه أبيته
وليلي وقد نام الورى لا أبيته

5. And if he wished for union, I would accept it
But he has committed a sin that leads to polytheism

٥. ولو انه شاء الثوى رضيته
ولكن جنى ذنباً يؤول الى الشرك

6. And in our religion of Islam, our Lord has prohibited
For the believers polytheism with God and adultery

٦. وفي شرعنا الإسلام حرم ربنا
على المؤمنين الشرك بالله والزني

7. And this one invites to what is contrary to our religion
He wanted a partner in the love between us

٧. وهذا إباحي على غير ديننا
أراد شريكاً في المحبة بيننا

8. And I am not one who accepts polytheism in love
I see that this diminishes lovers

٨. وما أنا من في الحب يقبل للشرك
أرى إن هذا للمحبين منقص

9. And I have a straight and sincere path away from him
And though he is an exalted beloved, I turn away

٩. ولي عنه نهج مستقيم ومخلص
وإني امرئ عنه وإن عز مشخص

10. Because I am loyal to monotheism in love
And the faith of my heart does not incline toward polytheism

١٠. لأني بالتوحيد في الحب مخلص
وإيمان قلبي لا يميل إلى الشرك