
The light of grandeur has returned, and return is most beautiful,

سرور المعالي عاد والعود اجمل

1. The light of grandeur has returned, and return is most beautiful,
And this is its greeting, with which it exults,

١. سرور المعالي عاد والعود اجمل
وهذا محياها به متهلل

2. It appeared to the exalted, adorned with the finest spectacle,
Imagining its meaning imprinted on the mind.

٢. بدت للملا تزهو بأحسن منظر
تصور معناه على الذهن معظل

3. Upon it is a garment of pride, magnificent,
Wandering in its loss, it sways gracefully,

٣. عليها من الإقبال حلة مفخر
من التيه إذ تمشي بها تترفل

4. More precious than carnelian, a necklace around its neck,
Strung with good fortune, and most superb.

٤. أجل من العقيق عقد بجيدها
من السعد منظوماً وأبهى وافضل

5. It shakes the frame of wonder with ecstasy through it,
My people have attained from its time what they hope for.

٥. تهز قوام العجب من طربٍ بها
أهل أحرزت من دهرها ما تؤمل

6. Yes, joy has arrived and sorrow departed,
And calamities receded while serenity draws near.

٦. نعم حلت الأفراح وارتحل الأسى
وأدبرت الأكدار والصفو مقبل

7. And the full moon of glory rose through it,
For it is the orbit of sublime deeds and the abode of might.

٧. وزان سماء المجد بدر بها بدا
له فلك الأفضال والعز منزل

8. And the light of the garden of generosity has diffused its blossoming,
With the sweetest scent when the east wind ignites.

٨. ونوار روض الجود قد فاح نشره
بأطيب من نشر الكبا حين يشعل

9. And the breeze of victory blew to the people their wishes,
On a day through which the honorable one excelled.

٩. وهب نسيم الفوز للناس بالمنى
بيوم به فاز الاغر المفضل

10. The world has adorned itself for it and the noble ones dazzled by it,
And hopes became fortunate through it for the hopeful.

١٠. تزينت له الدنيا وباهت به الملا
واسعد الآمال فيه المؤمل

11. As long as I live I will sanctify it as a great celebration,
And bequeath it, when I die, to be made so.

١١. سأجعله ما عشت عيداً معظما
وأوصي به بعدي إذا مت يجعل

12. My friend, time has become good, so hurry
To comfort, for companionship in comfort is most complete.

١٢. خليلي قد طاب الزمان فأسرعا
إلى الراح إن الأنس بالراح اكمل

13. Turn, O cupbearer, the cups, for they
Are for every breast the burnisher of the heart's essence.

١٣. أدر أيها الساقي الكؤوس فإنها
لكل صداً في جوهر القلب صيقل

14. With them, fine features increase in refinement,
And the ecstatic heart rests in joy.

١٤. شمولاً بها تزداد لطفا شمائلي
ويرتاح بالأفراح بالي المبلبل

15. When it emerges from its flask in the cup,
You would think the full moon a temple for the sun.

١٥. إذا برزت من دنها في كؤسها
توهمت أن البدر للشمس هيكل

16. It tells of the old happiness and succession,
In the most eloquent meaning of what adorns drink.

١٦. تخبر عن عادٍ القديم وتبع
بأبلغ معنى ما على الشرب يشكل

17. Conversations which if recited to the devotion of youth,
To it and about its taverns, nothing equals.

١٧. أحاديث لو تتلى على ورع صبا
إليها وعن حاناتها ليس يعدل

18. Congratulations to moons whose crescents keep company,
With the house of the light of comfort, tarrying and accepting.

١٨. هنيئاً لأقمار بهالات انسهم
بدور بشمس الراح تقفي وتقبل

19. By my life, they have succeeded just as you succeeded in attaining your wish,
Through the proximity of a generous one whose favours cascade.

١٩. لعمري لقد فازوا كما فزت بالمنى
بقرب كريمٍ طل نعماه مسبل

20. Most revered, most awe-inspiring to his enemies,
And most auspicious for one who hopes when a problem arises.

٢٠. اجل مهيب مرهب لأعدائه
وايمن من يرجى إذا حل مشكل

21. For the grandeur, signs point to him,
Beaming, and the banner of glory is not concealed.

٢١. أغر عليه للمعالي دلائل
تلوح وعنوان السنا ليس يجهل

22. He has an ambition that brings near everything far,
And makes easy the difficult which cannot be easily resolved.

٢٢. له همة تدني له كل شاسع
وتستسهل الصعب الذي ليس يسهل

23. Swift, slow, forgiving, and his punishment,
Far, near, when he intends and asks.

٢٣. سريعاً بطيئاً صفحة وعقابه
بعيداً قريباً حين ينوي ويسأل

24. For him is the penetrating wisdom, when the darkness
Of a confusing affair darkens, perplexing the mind.

٢٤. له ثاقب الرأي المنير إذا دجى
ظلام مهم منه ذو اللب يوجل

25. Through it those who have helped his forefathers are guided,
And the wretched doubter is abandoned and fails.

٢٥. به يقتدي من ساعدا لله جده
ويزور مرتاب شقي فيخذل

26. His mind depicts the forms of truths,
With the instrument of thought and insightful heart.

٢٦. يصور أشكال الحقائق عقله
بآلة فكر والفؤاد السجنجل

27. So he knows the essence of a thing before it exists,
And decides what he chooses of it and acts.

٢٧. فيعرف كنه الشيء من قبل كونه
فيقضي بما يختار منه ويفعل

28. And no doubt the faithful seer,
Sees with a light from The Merciful, no metaphor.

٢٨. ولا شك أن المؤمن البر ناظر
بنورٍ من الرحمن لا يتأول

29. Miracles transcending normalcy, signs of his glory,
Perplex minds and reason comprehends.

٢٩. خوارق للعادات آيات مجده
تحير بها الأذهان والعقل يعقل

30. Through his mission, wonders appeared to us, enduring
Through them, narrations to the world are conveyed and circulated.

٣٠. إلينا بدت في بعثه لم تزل بها
إلى العالم الأخبار تروى وتنقل

31. They say who is this generous one who came,
Is he an angel or one sent by God?

٣١. يقولون من هذا الكريم الذي أتى
أذا ملك أم ذا من الله مرسل

32. Blessed is He who gave him what he deserves,
Of kingship what He gave Solomon before.

٣٢. تبارك من أعطاه ما يستحقه
من الملك ما أعطا سليمان أول

33. Elevation, guidance, glory, joy,
And wisdom upon which is relied in important affairs.

٣٣. علاء وتسديداً ومجداً وسؤدداً
ورأياً عليه في المهم المعول

34. That is the grace of God, He gives it to whom He wills,
And He singles out with preference the one who is superior.

٣٤. وذلك فضل الله يؤتيه من يشا
ويختص بالتفضيل من هو أفضل

35. So destruction to one who vainly aspires,
Like the companions of the elephant, hopes.

٣٥. فتباً لمن ناوى بطياً أماله
نذير بصحب الفيل عما يؤمل

36. Audacious in the face of dangers, not fearing adversity,
Steadfast on the day of calamity, not wavering.

٣٦. جسور على الأخطار لا يرهب الردى
ثبوت بيوم الروع لا يتقلقل

37. If they transgress the limits into aggression,
He will overwhelm them with the torment of the convulsing.

٣٧. إذا ما عدى بالعاديات إلى العدا
غشاهم بويل القارعات التزلزل

38. If only they would abandon him as refuge,
They would flee but for them from him there is no refuge.

٣٨. ولو انهم يلقون عن ذاك موئلا
لفروا ولكن ما لهم عنه موئل

39. That day, where is the escape for them, while
The night of woe has encompassed them, endless.

٣٩. ويومئذ أين المفر لهم وقد
أحاط بهم ليل من الويل أليل

40. Through it ambitions are snatched, as if they
For the grandeur, are insects and locusts.

٤٠. به تخطف الهام المواضي كأنها
وحق المعالي الطير والهام خردل

41. And victory, mighty, has descended for the one of glory,
While the transgressor, wretched, disappointed, laments.

٤١. وقد نزل النصر العزيز لذي السنا
وبالتب باء المعتدى المتطول

42. So O eminent above peers in generosity and joy,
And most felicitous, for whom fortune is set lofty.

٤٢. فيا فائق الأقران جودا وسؤدداً
وأسنى أبي في دبي له العلو

43. Whose awe is feared and struggle deprecated,
Vanquishing one opponent after another, excelling.

٤٣. ومن باسه يخشى وجدواه يرتجدى
فطوراً وطوراً يردي خصماً ويفضل

44. And if anyone were called other than him one day,
Because of his reverence, the opponent’s feet would not carry him.

٤٤. ومن إن دعي يوماً سواه بإسمه
لهيبته لم تحمل الخصم أرجل

45. Upon you is the victory of truth, God is sufficient,
And be just in your rule, yourself you must judge.

٤٥. عليك بنصر الحق لله حسبة
وكن مقسطاً في الحكم إياك تعدل

46. Shepherd the flock with care and insight,
And endow them with virtue, O most virtuous.

٤٦. وراع الرعايا باهتمام وفطنة
ووالهم بالفضل يا متفضل

47. And be among them of Umar's conduct,
For you will, by God, be questioned about them.

٤٧. وكن فيهمو ذا سيرةٍ عمرية
فانك عنهم سوف والله تسأل

48. And fear the supplication of the oppressed, for between it
And God, no barrier, do not be oblivious of it.

٤٨. وخف دعوة المظلوم إذ ليس بينها و
حجاب وبين الله إياك تغفل

49. With firmness, hasten against every recalcitrant transgressor,
Obstinate, for him the path of truth altered.

٤٩. بالباس بادر كل باغ مراجم
عنيد له عن شرعة الحق معدل

50. And mete out for them a roaring, raging sea,
So whoever is tyrannical, it tosses him like a wave.

٥٠. وجز لهم بحراً خميساً عرمرماً
فمن جحفل يقفوه كالموج جحفل

51. And unleash upon them raid after raid,
On a day through which a mother is bewildered of her child.

٥١. وشن عليهم غارة اثر غارةٍ
بيوم به عن طفلها الأم تذهل

52. And the trusted one judges between the two parties in dispute
For he is in judgments most determined and excellent.

٥٢. وحكم امين المارتين من الخطا
بهم فهي بالأحكام أمضى وافصل

53. Until you see the wicked fallen dead from the calamity,
As if they had risen intoxicated and drained it.

٥٣. إلى أن ترى الفجار صرعى من الثوى
كأنهموا علوا بخمرٍ وانهلوا

54. And I have returned from the house I spent the night,
And came hastily to your abode speeding.

٥٤. وقد عدت من دار أبيت بها الثوا
وجئت سريعاً نحو دارك أعجل

55. In it I was enamored reciting your praise
Upon you, and for reproach in that there is no admission.

٥٥. بها كنت معبوباً على بثي الثنا
عليكم وما للعتب في ذاك مدخل

56. So I said to the reproacher, gently, I
By the truth of the most high, am travelling to him.

٥٦. فقلت لمن يعتب رويدك إنني
وحق علاه نحوه مترحل

57. So do not blame me for praising the father of glory
With what virtue in him is, as if you are ignorant.

٥٧. فلا تعتبن أني مدحت أبا الثنا
بما فيه من فضل كأنك تجهل

58. For in the son of Suhayl my poetry rises gloriously,
And by the son of Suhayl every hardship will be eased.

٥٨. ففي ابن سهيل يسمو شعري مفخرا
وبإبن سهيلٍ كل صعب سيسهل