
When will the longing lover find mercy, exhausted as he is?

متى يرحم المشتاق والوامق المضنى

1. When will the longing lover find mercy, exhausted as he is?
Separation has increased his weakness and frailty.

١. متى يرحم المشتاق والوامق المضنى
فقد زاده الهجران مع وهنه وهنا

2. My love, he has departed, defeating me, though I had no hope
Of his return, for my love follows the zebras.

٢. حجى والحجى قد فرمنه وما رجى
له عودة حيث الحجى يتبع الظعنا

3. He left willfully, taking my life with him,
Leaving me concealed in intense sorrow as a hostage.

٣. مضى قاصداً حياً حياتي عندهم
خفاء وأبقاني لفرط الأسى رهنا

4. He knows I am devoted in my love for him.
Seeing him is my remedy, though he assumed wrongly.

٤. درى أنني صب معنى بحبه
دوائي رؤياه فضن بما ظنا

5. His love for me has faded unlike a loyal friend
I will never forget him, even if I perish.

٥. خبوت هواه عن صديق وكاشح
مدى العمر لا أبديه حاشا وان أفنى

6. Because if he is loyal or disloyal to me
It would be wrong for my heart to be unfaithful.

٦. لأني وفي إن صفى لي وان جفى
حرام على قلبي الجفاء الذي يعنى

7. Oh, if not for you I would not stay up nightly
Loving you, waiting for my burial.

٧. فيا عوضاً لولاك ما بت ساهراً
معنى صريع الوجد انتظر الدفنا