1. The heart of the lovelorn youth
Who led him to love this way?
١. قلب الشجي المدله
من ذا على الحب دله
2. Until he became full of passion
Enamored and devoted in his worship
٢. حتى غدا ذا ولوع
مغرماً غريما موله
3. Robbed of his sanity, clinging
To the illness that befell him
٣. سليب عقل لجثما
نه من السقم حله
4. His heart melted with ardor
And his eyes poured forth tears
٤. فؤاده ذاب وجداً
وطرفه الدمع هله
5. He had denied love for a time
And said "No, not I"
٥. قد أنكر الحب دهرا
وقال ما بي
6. But how can one deny what
The evidence has proven true?
٦. وكيف ينكر شيء
قامت عليه الأدله
7. O you who gave meaning to my longing
With overwhelming sorrow now made known
٧. يا من لمضنى معنى
فرط الأسى قد أعله
8. Yearning for union with my beloved
When he turned away, plead to him
٨. مشتاق وصل حبيبٍ
لما تولاه سله
9. Complaining of him, yet because of him
The sword of separation afflicts me
٩. عنه نئا وعليه
سيف القطيعه سله
10. For God's sake ask him
Did my death mean so little to him?
١٠. باللَه ان تسألوه
قتلي له من أحله
11. So my messenger go to him
When you reach his abode
١١. فيا رسولي اليه
اذا بلغت المحله
12. And find the full moon of perfection
Do not rush my years with chiding
١٢. وخلت بدر الجمال ال
مزري سنى بالأهله
13. Bow before him and kiss
The ground where his feet tread
١٣. فاخضع لديه وقبل
ارضاً بها موطئ له
14. Convey my greetings to him
Gently, and say to him:
١٤. واقرأ سلامي عليه
برأفةٍ ثم قل له
15. Separation without cause
Can be allowed no time
١٥. الهجر من غير جرم
يجوز في أي مله
16. But separation, if prolonged, is death
And God has forbidden murder
١٦. والهجر ان دام قتل
والقتل حرمه الله
17. Ask him for union, and be
Generous, when asking of him
١٧. واسأله وصلاً وكن
اذا ما سألت بذله
18. Describe to him what I suffer
From the pain - perhaps
١٨. وصف له ما اقاسي
من الجوى فلعله
19. He will say: "We left him a youth
When the necklace of patience was tied"
١٩. قل قد تركناه صباً
عقد التصبر حله
20. His vision will say: "This
Is a youth struck by madness"
٢٠. يقول رآئيه هذا
فتى اصابته خله
21. It is true that his love
After guidance led him astray
٢١. قد صح ان هواه
بعد الهدى قد أضله
22. So have mercy before his end
And if his end comes, pray for him
٢٢. فارحمة قبل ثواه
وان ثوى فتوله
23. By your right, I swear
His love brought me no madness
٢٣. إني وحقك لم ينلني
هواه الا خله
24. But my longing for him
Melted my heart away
٢٤. وإن شوقي اليه
أذاب قلبي كله
25. And God is witness that I
Love him, not for some madness
٢٥. ويشهد الله أني
احبه لا لعله
26. O you who own my heart
Beyond all people and its madness
٢٦. يا من تملك قلبي
دون الأنام وحله
27. Be gentle with me, for I
Strayed not from the path of righteousness
٢٧. رفقاً علي فإني
لم اخط في نهج زله
28. From me is a greeting
As long as the clouds weep
٢٨. مني عليك سلام
ما المزن ودقاً اهله
29. And what melts your love but
The heart of the lovelorn youth
٢٩. وما اذاب هواك ال
قلب الشجي المدله