1. I ask her, isn't your anguish for him enough?
His weakness, his tears and his worries for him
١. نسائلها هَلا كَفاكِ نحولُهُ
وَنَصبَتُهُ أَو دَمعُهُ وَهمولُه
2. Surround him with the suffering of yearning and patience
So tell the well-wisher of his wishes and his only refuge
٢. تكنَّفه هَمَّانِ شَجوٌ وَصَبوَةٌ
فَبُلِّغَ واشيهِ المُنى وَعذولُه
3. If the worry of his imprisonment shows on his face
Then his friend has been hidden from you in the depths
٣. فَإِن يَستَبِن في وَجهِهِ همُّ سجنِهِ
فَقَد غابَ في الأَحشاءِ عَنكِ دَخيلُه
4. Meaning to conceal the beloved and his love
If concealment kills, then it is his killer
٤. معنَّىً بِكتمانِ الحَبيبِ وَحبّه
فَإِن يقتلِ الكتمانُ فَهوَ قَتيلُه
5. And they came from the direction of the beloved as if
His eyelids and his determination converged towards me
٥. وَأَقبَلنَ مِن نَحوِ الحَبيبِ كَأَنَّما
تحاشَدَ نَحوي جفنُهُ وَنصولُه
6. Let me smell the lightning of my loved one at the door
Standing, but his representative did not allow that
٦. دَعوني أشِم بِالبابِ برقَ أَحبَتي
قواماً فَلم يسمَح بِذاك وَكيلُه
7. It spreads so it does not stop the siege, hoping
That its sending and its intimates will surrender
٧. يعم فَلا يَألو حصاراً لعلَّه
سَيُودي فيودي بَثُّهُ وَأليلُه
8. If there was poison in this siege
I would make him forget the length of seven days in one day
٨. فَلو كانَ في هذا الحصار سميه
لأَنساهُ طُولَ السّبع في اليَوم طولُه
9. Indeed, an expansive prison startled me, and if
The prison came close, entering it would not be easy for me
٩. لَقَد راعَني سجنٌ فَشطَّ وَلَو دَنا
مِن السّجن لَم يسهل عليَّ دخولُه
10. It is difficult for the blossoming flowers to arrive
And its descent was not with the desperate one
١٠. يَعزُّ عَلى الوَردِ النَّضير حلولُهُ
وَلَم يَكُ عِندَ المُستهام نُزولُه