1. Oh bluest robe that once did grace
The one from fair Iraq's place
١. يا ثَوبَهُ الأَزرَق الَّذي قَد
فاتَ العراقيَّ في السناءِ
2. A face that beholds you nearly
Glows brightly with your glory fairly
٢. يَكادُ وَجهُ الَّذي يَراهُ
يُكسَى بَياضاً مِن الضياءِ
3. As though within you lies a full moon bright
Crossing the blue sky’s night
٣. كَأَنَّهُ فيكَ بَدرُ تِمٍّ
يَقطَعُ في زرقَةِ السماءِ