
It welcomes the sharing of love until it seems

مبيح حمى الإشراك حتى كأنه

1. It welcomes the sharing of love until it seems
That love and sharing are the guts of the lover

١. مبيحٌ حِمى الإِشراك حتَّى كَأَنَّهُ
هوَ الحُبُّ والإِشراكُ أحشاءُ هائِمِ

2. With every refined young man - if only his heart
In its comfort made him needless of all weapons

٢. بكلِّ فَتىً ثَقفٍ لَو أَنَّ فُؤادَهُ
بِراحَته أَغناهُ عَن كُلِّ صَارِمِ

3. It's as if the guts are strings of an oud
That tremble with a plectrum at a constant beat

٣. كَأَنَّ الحشا لِلذكرِ أَوتارُ قَينَةٍ
تَهزُّ بِعُنّابٍ عَلى الضَّربِ دائِمِ

4. Otherwise they are my fleshly pounding heart
Shaken by the spears of Yahya son of Hashim

٤. وَإِلا حَشا غَرسيَّةَ الخافِق الَّذي
تُزَعزِعُهُ أَرماحُ يَحيِى بن هاشِمِ