
And Muhand capturing eyes with his tears

ومهند أخذ العيون بمائه

1. And Muhand capturing eyes with his tears
As if they in their flowing tears

١. وَمُهَنَّدٍ أَخَذَ العُيونَ بِمائِهِ
فَكَأنَّها في دَمعِها الجوَّالِ

2. Were captives of bliss in spirits, nay
Were captives from spirits in limbs

٢. أَسرى مِن السرَّاءِ في الأَرواحِ بَل
أَسرى مِن الأَرواح في الأَوصالِ

3. If spans of life have manifest bodies
Visible to the eye, he bodies forth the spans

٣. إِن كانَ لِلآجالِ جِسمٌ ظاهِرٌ
لِلعَينِ فَهوَ مُجَسِّمُ الآجالِ