1. With a cup like a flood of intimacy its radiance overwhelmed me,
And my life from this radiant drink,
١. وَكَأسٍ كَريقِ الإِلفِ شَعشَعتُها بِهِ
وَعيشي مِن هَذا الشَّراب المُشَعشَعِ
2. In a garden established for us by your full moons,
And in it the flies buzzed around attentively,
٢. عَلى رَوضَةٍ قامَت لَنا بدرانكٍ
وَقامَ لَنا فيها الذُّبابُ بِمُسمعِ
3. When we drink our cup, its excess overflows
Onto our garden for the broken-off listener,
٣. إِذا ما شَرِبنا كَأسَنا صُبَّ فَضلُها
عَلى رَوضِنا للمسمع المُتَخَلَّعِ
4. As if the rain clouds married the ground
And the land's flowers bloomed in every place,
٤. كَأَنَّ السَّحابَ الجَونَ أَعرسَ بِالثّرى
فَلاحَ شَوارُ الأَرضِ في كُلِّ مَوضِعِ
5. Gardens that make the gazelles laugh after
The eye of the sky cried over them with clouds,
٥. رِياضٌ يُضاحِكنَ الغَزالةَ بَعدَما
بَكَت فَوقَها عَينُ السَّماءِ بِأَربَعِ
6. As if the land's joy is the grief of its clouds
When it cries, it smiles at us with affectation,
٦. كَأَنَّ سُرورَ الأَرضِ حُزنُ سَحابِها
إِذا ما بَكَت لاحَت لَنا في تَصَنُّعِ
7. Beloved ones who allow nothing but a glance
And a breath's sniff for the impassioned lover,
٧. حَبائبُ لا يَسمَحنَ إِلا بِلَحظَةٍ
وَشَمَّةِ أَنفٍ لِلمُحِبِّ المُمَتَّعِ
8. Marvels is what the vizier Ibnanah gifted
To his authority, only he brought us the most wondrous,
٨. بَدائِعُ ما أَهدى الوَزيرُ بنانَهُ
إِلى صَكِّهِ إِلا أَتانا بِأَبدَعِ
9. For in his hand were five that equaled five,
As if each finger had a man upon it,
٩. فَفي كَفِّهِ خَمسٌ تُعادِلُ خَمسَةً
كَأَنَّ امرأً مِنهم عَلى كُلِّ إِصبَعِ
10. Aiyas, Bustam, Hatim al-Tai,
Ahnaf in wisdom, and Ibn al-Muqaffa',
١٠. إِياساً وَبسطاماً وَحاتِمَ طيئٍ
وَأَحنَفَ عِندَ الحِلم وَاِبنَ المُقَفَّعِ