1. He gestured for me to kiss the carpet in humility
So I placed my cheek in the dust submissively
١. أَومى لِتَقبيل البِساطِ خُنُوعا
فَوَضَعتُ خَدّي في التُّراب خُضُوعا
2. His way was not to humble his servant
But to increase the breaking of his heart
٢. ما كانَ مذهبُهُ الخنوعَ لعَبدِهِ
إِلا زِيادةُ قَلبِهِ تَقطيعا
3. Say to the one who took my heart surrendered
Bestow your mercy upon me, broken
٣. قُولوا لِمَن أَخَذ الفُؤاد مُسلَّماً
يَمنن عليَّ بردِّه مصدوعا
4. The servant may disobey, and I swear that I
Was only hearing and obedient
٤. العَبدُ قَد يعصي وَأحلفُ أَنَّني
ما كُنتُ إِلا سَامِعاً ومُطيعا
5. My Master Yahya lives in a life like his name
While I die young and burning with passion
٥. مَولاي يَحيى في حَياةٍ كاسمِهِ
وَأَنا أَموتُ صَبابَةً وَولوعا
6. Do not deny the rain of tears for all that
Melts from my body becomes tears
٦. لا تُنكِروا غَيثَ الدُّمُوع فَكلُّ ما
يَنحَلُّ من جِسمي يَكُونُ دُموعا