
My tears have stained you with longing

مقلتي ضرجتك بالتوريد

1. My tears have stained you with longing
So leave my heart be and draw from them

١. مُقلَتي ضرَّجَتكِ بِالتَّوريد
فَدعي لي قَلبي وَمِنها اِستقيدي

2. This eye, we did not mention its sin
What sin has my baptized heart committed?

٢. هَذِهِ العينُ ذَنبها ما ذكرنا
أَيّ ذَنبٍ لِقَلبيَ المَعمودِ

3. If the eye were to argue its defense, what then?
Why punish it with tears and lamenting?

٣. لَو تردت بحجة العَين ماذا
لَم تُعاقب بِالدَّمع وَالتَّسهيدِ

4. The jasmine in the pot has reached
Its peak, wrapping its cheek in fragrant buds

٤. بلغ الياسمين في القدر أن قَد
لف مِن خَدِّها بورد نَضيدِ

5. I repent everything except the love
I have for the beautiful, slender branched one

٥. كُل شَيء أَتوب عَنهُ وَلا تَوبة
لي مِن هَوى الحِسان الغيدِ

6. Of the cursed or the chronically ill one
I am neither divorced nor accustomed

٦. مِن لعانٍ مِنهنّ غَير طَليق
وَسَقيمٍ مِنهنَّ غَيرِ معودِ

7. My tears testified to my passion and pain
My tongue stammered though my will was resolute

٧. شَهدت أَدمُعي بِوَجدي وزو
رن لِساني إِذ خانَهُ مَجلودي

8. O you who blame love, wait
Can you blame the doves for their cooing?

٨. أَيُّها اللائِمي عَلى الحُبِّ مَهلا
هَل تُلام الحمام في التَّغريدِ