1. Cursed and condemned be the land as though
It had traversed mazy mountains and trackless wilds.
١. وَمُشتَمَّةٍ لِلأَرضِ حَتَّى كَأَنَّها
تَقَصَّى مُحولاً في البطاح المواحل
2. It rained on us as darkness rains, pouring down
Like cloud-bursts' headlong, gushing waters.
٢. فَجنَّت كَما جَنَّ الظَّلامُ وَأَفرَغَت
عَلينا كَإِفراغِ الدِّلاءِ الحَوافل
3. It hung above in the air like a sea about to burst,
As if it were the deep with ships and swelling sails.
٣. أَطَلَّت غَديراً في الهَواء كَأَنَّهُ
هو البحرُ يجري بالسفينِ الحوامل
4. Had it but poured its waters altogether, it would have drowned us.
But its drops were like the spent arrows of fate.
٤. فَلَو أَنَّها صَبَّت جَميعاً لَغَرَّقَت
وَلَكنما أَرواحُها كَالمناخل
5. As though pearls of water amid its spray
And towers shattered stood like human forms.
٥. كَأَنَّ غَديرَ الماءِ بَينَ حَبابِهِ
وَبَينَ شُخُوصٍ قُمنَ مثلَ الأَنامل
6. Nails of pearl rain down on our heads
Now and again, now striking the heights, now the depths.
٦. مَساميرُ دُرٍّ تَعتَلي برءوسنا
مِراراً وَطوراً تَعتلي بِالأَسافل