1. You are determined to kill me without hesitation
So sad am I for you until you kill this sad one
١. عزمتَ عَلى قَتلي بِغَير تحرّج
شجيً بِكَ حَتّى تَقتلَ الهائمَ الشجي
2. My secret was not apparent in you, but rather
It appeared as an escape from terrifying flames
٢. وَلَم يُبدِ سري فيك رَأي وَإِنَّما
تبدَّى فراراً مِن حَشَىً متوهج
3. My leanness and tears embroidered, and my cheeks from
What my eyelids saw of your embellished cheeks
٣. نحولي وَدَمعي دَبجا وَجَنَتي بِما
رَأَت مُقلَتي مِن خدِّكَ المتدبّج
4. Springtime and seeds the wind blew over it
With meadows so it covered its roses with violets
٤. بهاراً وَدراً هَبَّتِ الريحُ فوقه
بِقروٍ فَغطَّت وَردَهُ بِالبَنفَسج