1. Come to me, my blossom, when alone,
So I may be reassured in our bond,
١. فَوافوا بِنا الزهراءِ في حالِ خَلَّةٍ
تلائمُ لاستيفائهم في التوثّقِ
2. While around me gathers a circle of refined men,
None except in tattered robes of grief.
٢. وَحوليَ مِن أَهلِ التَأدُّبِ مَأتمٌ
وَلا جُؤذرٌ إِلا بِثَوبٍ مُشَقَّقِ
3. If my eyes held meadows like those of the doves,
Though in their hues uncaring,
٣. فَلو أَنَّ في عَيني الحِمامَ كَروضِها
وَإِن كانَ في أَلوانِهِ غَير مُشفِقِ
4. And my dove called to my love, would she forget?
No, she'd answer while clutched to my breast.
٤. وَنادى حِمامي مُهجَتي لَتغافَلَت
فَهلا أَجابَت وَهوَ عِندي كَبخنقي
5. My eyes, if you have any tears left for her,
Stay my patience but an hour before their flood.
٥. أَعينيَ إِن كانَت لِدَمعكِ فَضلةٌ
تُثَبِّتُ صَبري ساعَةً فَتدفَّقي
6. If they could help, would they say my tears remain
From lack of sorrow or drawn from the sea?
٦. فَلو ساعَدت قالَت أَمِن قلّةِ الأَسى
تَبَقَّت دُموعي أَم مِن البَحر تَستَقي
7. She burdened me to blame fate, but ignorance is hers;
Who can I blame in my choking agony?
٧. تكلفني أَن أُعتب الدَّهر إِنَّها
لجاهلةٌ مَن لي بإِعتابِ مُحنَقِ
8. She thought fate would unite us again.
I told her, who can trust so blindly?
٨. وَقالَت تظنُّ الدَّهر يَجمَعُ بَيننا
فَقُلتُ لَها مَن لي بِظنٍّ محققِ
9. Rather, by chiding the reunion after our parting,
I chided the gathering after separation.
٩. وَلَكنني فيما زجرت بِمُقلَتي
زَجرتُ اجتماعَ الشملِ بَعد التَّفرُّقِ
10. Our glances were like distant stars,
But upon meeting, as one they said, "We shall meet again."
١٠. فَقَد كانَت الأَشفار في مثل بُعدِنا
فَلَما التقت بالطَّيفِ قالَت سَنَلتَقي
11. I'll cry one day, though its time is not come;
My tears will run dry before that day, so go gently.
١١. أَباكية يَوماً وَلم يَأن وَقتُهُ
سينفد قَبلَ اليَومِ دَمعك فارفقي
Since you haven't seen me in tattered robes,
١٢. وَمُذ لَم تريني أَنت في ثَوبِ ضائع
لعمري لَقَد جَفَّت بِعيِّ مُمَزَّقِ