
O you who are rejecting and hesitating

أيها العارض والمهدي

1. O you who are rejecting and hesitating
Give to the one seeking rain, without reluctance

١. أَيُّها العارض وَالمُه
دي لمستسقيهِ وَبلا

2. When he who asks rain cannot find guidance
The rejecting one sought rain insistently

٢. حينَ لا يهدي إِذا ما
استُسقِيَ العارض طَلا

3. A leader whose battles brought
Ruin to the enemies, captives and death

٣. قائِداً أَفنَت مَغازي
هِ العِدا سَبياً وَقَتلا

4. If an approaching guest were to say
I bid you welcome and wish ease

٤. إِن ضَيفاً قاصِداً قُل
تَ لَهُ أَهلاً وَسَهلا

5. I have opened up to him
What brings the guest comfort and lodging

٥. قَد تَوسعت لَهُ في
ما يَسُرُّ الضَّيفَ نُزلا

6. He has no furnishings on the earth
Other than the face of one praying

٦. ما لَهُ فرش عَلى الأَر
ضِ سِوى وَجه مُصَلَّى

7. Yet were it not for patience
That made the rugged path easy

٧. فَأَنا لَولا اِصطبار
ردَّ مِنهُ الوَعرَ سَهلا

8. You would not have found my eyes closed
Spending the night in sorrow's kohl

٨. لَم تَجد عيني لِنومٍ
بِمبيتِ السوءِ كُحلا