1. He has a beauty of character in the eyes when he appears
As if to say that souls are ruined by his coquetries
١. لَهُ حُسنُ خَلقٍ في العُيونِ إِذا بَدا
عَلى أَنَّهُ تُردي النفوسَ غَوائِلُه
2. He lessens himself until you do not look at his person
With your glance except you feel that you will lose him
٢. تَضَاءَلَ حَتَّى ما تَأَمَّلتَ شَخصَهُ
بِلَحظِكَ إِلا خِلتَ أَنَّك خَاتِلُه
3. It's as if his love in skulls and the twisting of necks
Has set leanness in his body so he is emaciated
٣. كَأَنَّ هَواهُ في الجَماجِمِ وَالطّلى
أَحَلَّ الضّنا في جِسمِهِ فَهوَ نَاحِلُه
4. Delicate like the gentleness of the soul at its entering
So his way in every body is through its joints
٤. لَطيفٌ كلطفِ الرّوح عِندَ ولُوجِهِ
فَمَسلَكُهُ في كُلِّ جِسمٍ مَفَاصِلُه