
Nights I sold my spiritual guidance

ليالي بعت العاذلين إمامتي

1. Nights I sold my spiritual guidance
To debauchery and gave my ears to slanderers.

١. ليالي بعتُ العاذِلين إمامَتي
بِفَتكي وَوَليتُ الوشاة أَذاني

2. When I had two boon companions, a cup and a goblet,
Flowing with spirits, intermingling.

٢. وَإِذ لي ندمانان ساقٍ وَقينةٌ
رَشيقان بِالأَرواحِ يَمتَزِجانِ

3. At times I would reach out to the peacock,
At others take refuge in the songbird.

٣. أَمدُّ إِلى الطاووسِ في تارَةٍ يَدي
وَفي تارة آوي إِلى الوَرَشانِ

4. I would pass the cup until I saw them both
Reeling from drunkenness and swaying.

٤. وَكُنت أديرُ الكَأس حَتَّى أَراهما
يَميلان مِن سُكرٍ وَيَعتدلانِ

5. With the delicacy in their bodies from the wine,
When pressed close they would almost merge.

٥. فَكانا بِما في الجسم مِن رقَّةٍ الضَّنى
يَكادان عِندَ الضَمِّ يَلتَقيانِ

6. I would rouse to a sleep. If you are ignorant,
My place was midmost the row - that was my place.

٦. وَنفضي إِلى نَومٍ فَإِن كُنتَ جاهِلاً
مَكاني فَوسطى العقد كانَ مَكاني

7. If you could see the radiant full moon and around it
The Pleiades, you would say the latter are two moons.

٧. فَلو تبصرُ المضنى وَبدراه حَوله
لَقُلتَ السها مِن حَوله القمرانِ

8. I have no pride in debauchery, but rather
My share of debauchery is a nose and two lips.

٨. وَما بيَ فَخرٌ بِالفجورِ وَإِنَّما
نَصيبُ فُجوري الرشفُ وَالشفتانِ