
The talk of drinkers saddens my heart,

بخطب الشاربين يضيق صدري

1. The talk of drinkers saddens my heart,
And their plight pains me, by my life!

١. بِخَطبِ الشَّارِبينَ يَضيقُ صَدري
وَتُرمِضُني بَلِيَّتُهُم لَعَمري

2. Are they not just lovers struck down
By the loss of sweethearts, suffering separation?

٢. وَهَل هُم غَيرُ عُشَّاقٍ أُصيبوا
بِفَقدِ حَبائِبٍ وَمُنوا بِهَجرِ

3. O lovers of wine, if you grieve
For being parted from it, resignation is not the way!

٣. أَعُشَّاقَ المُدامَةِ إِن جَزِعتُم
لِفُرقَتِها فَلَيسَ مَكانَ صَبرِ

4. Your seekers strove until they spilled
Blood over the face of the earth flowing.

٤. سَعى طُلابُكمُ حَتّى أُريقَت
دِماء فَوقَ وَجهِ الأَرضِ تَجري

5. Its fragrance spread east and west
And perfumed every corner of Cordoba.

٥. تَضَوَّعَ عَرفُها شَرقاً وَغَرباً
وَطبَّقَ أُفقَ قُرطُبَةٍ بعطرِ

6. So say to those who kiss it to excess -
It did not quell their thirst however much they drank!

٦. فَقُل لِلمُسفحين لَها بِسَفحٍ
وَما سَكَنتهُ مِن ظَرفٍ بِكَسرِ

7. And burning down doors until
You left its people in empty ruins.

٧. وَلِلأَبوابِ إِحراقاً إِلى أَن
تَرَكتُم أَهلَها سُكَّانَ قَفرِ

8. You claimed to champion justice there -
But if that were true,

٨. تَحَرَّيتُم بِذاكَ العَدل فيها
بِزَعمِكُمُ فَإِن يَكُ عَن تَحرِّي

9. Abu Hanifa, the just one,
Fled from judging for a month!

٩. فَإِنَّ أَبا حَنيفَةَ وَهوَ عَدلٌ
وَفَرَّ عَنِ القَضاءِ مَسِيرَ شَهرِ

10. A jurist whom no jurist can match
When analogy comes, he is the full moon.

١٠. فَقيهٌ لا يُدانيهِ فَقيهٌ
إِذا جاءَ القِياسُ أَتى بدُرِّ

11. He spent long nights in prayer
Severing them without rest or sleep.

١١. وَكانَ مِن الصَّلاةِ طَويلَ لَيلٍ
يُقَطِّعُهُ بِلا تَغمِيضِ شَفرِ

12. And he had a drinking companion
Who joined him from dusk till dawn.

١٢. وَكانَ لَهُ مِن الشرابِ جَارٌ
يُواصِلُ مَغرِباً فيها بِفَجرِ

13. When he woke he sang with the voice
Of one imprisoned by the clan of Amr.

١٣. وَكانَ إِذا اِنتَشى غَنَّى بِصَوتِ ال
مُضَاعِ بِسَجنِهِ مِن آلِ عَمرِو

14. "They destroyed me, and what man they destroyed,
For an evil day and to thwart danger!"

١٤. أَضاعُوني وَأيَّ فَتىً أَضاعُوا
لِيَومِ كَريهَةٍ وَسَدادِ ثَغرِ

15. But prison silenced that companion's voice
And the jurist knew nothing of it.

١٥. فَغَيَّبَ صَوت ذاكَ الجارِ سجنٌ
وَلَم يَكنِ الفَقيهُ بِذاكَ يَدري

16. He said, when a second night had passed
And he did not hear his singing, "I wonder -

١٦. فَقالَ وَقَد مَضى لَيلٌ وَثانٍ
وَلَم يَسمَعهُ غنَّى لَيتَ شِعري

17. did my companion's singing bring good
or evil, that it has ceased?"

١٧. أجاري المُؤنِسي لَيلاً غِناءً
لخَيرٍ قَطعُ ذَلِكَ أَم لِشَرِّ

18. They said, "He is in Isa's prison,
Seized by the guards as he walked at night."

١٨. فَقالُوا إِنَّهُ في سجنِ عيسى
أَتاهُ بِهِ المُحارِسُ وَهوَ يَسري

19. So he called out this long poem, which suits
One whose matter is momentous.

١٩. فَنادى بِالطَّويلَةِ وَهيَ مِمّا
يَكونُ بِرَأسِه لجَليل أَمرِ

20. And he turned to Isa ibn Musa
And met him with honour and righteousness,

٢٠. وَيَمَّمَ جارَهُ عيسى بنَ مُوسى
فَلاقاهُ بِإِكرامٍ وَبِرِّ

21. Saying, "A need has arisen, so I
Will judge it and pursue it thankfully."

٢١. وَقالَ أَحاجَةٌ عَرَضَت فَإِني
لَقاضِيها وَمُتبِعها بِشُكرِ

22. He said, "You imprisoned a neighbour named
Amr." He said, "Every Amr shall be released,

٢٢. فَقالَ سَجَنتَ لي جاراً يُسَمَّى
بِعمروٍ قالَ يُطلقُ كلُّ عمرِو

23. For imprisoning my jurist neighbour's
Namesake, even if you chained them hand and foot!"

٢٣. بِسجني حينَ وَافَقَهُ اسمُ جارِ ال
فَقيه وَلَو سَجَنتَهُمُ بِوِترِ

24. So Isa released them all, for that neighbour
Who does not sleep without drunkenness.

٢٤. فَأَطلَقَهُم لَهُ عيسى جَميعاً
لِجارٍ لا يَبيتُ بِغَير سُكرِ

25. Say, if you wish, neighbours have rights,
Or say, if you wish, seekers have reward.

٢٥. فَإِن أَحبَبتَ قُل لِجوارِ جارٍ
وَإِن أَحبَبتَ قُل لِطِلابِ أَجرِ

26. For Abu Hanifa did not cease
Seeking deliverance from his burden.

٢٦. فَإِنَّ أَبا حَنيفة لَم يَؤُب من
تَطَلُّبهِ تَخَلُّصَهُ بِوزرِ

27. How many forbidden things occur in secret
Whose occurrence openly is also banned!

٢٧. نواقِعُها مِن أجلِ النّهي سراً
وَكَم نهيٍ نواقِعُهُ بِجَهرِ