
Stand before parting, O leader,

قفي قبل التفرق يا أماما

1. Stand before parting, O leader,
And bid farewell before you depart.

١. قِفي قَبلَ التفَرُّقِ يا أُماما
ورُدِّي قَبلَ بَينكم السَّلاما

2. I am disturbed and saddened, O mother of Bakr,
By the prayer of a dove calling to her kind.

٢. طَرِبتُ وشاقني يا أُمَّ بَكرٍ
دُعاءُ حَمامَةٍ تَدعو حَماما

3. My concerns kept me awake at night
To console a heart seized by passion.

٣. فَبِتُّ وَباتَ هَمّي لي نَجيّاً
أُعزّي عَنكِ قَلباً مُستَهاما

4. When the mother of Bakr comes to mind,
My heart spends the night as if drunk on wine.

٤. إِذا ذُكِرت لِقَلبكِ أُمُّ بَكرٍ
يَبيتُ كَأَنَّما اِغتَبَقَ المُداما

5. A smooth-necked gazelle grazing at sunset,
Cloaked in a thick, dark coat.

٥. خَدَلَّجةٌ تَرِفُّ غروبُ فيها
وَتَكسو المتنَ ذا خُصَلٍ سُخاما

6. My heart refused all but her,
Though its love for her was a sin.

٦. أَبى قَلبي فَما يَهوى سِواها
وَإِن كانَت مودَّتُها غَراما

7. All my friends sleep at night
While my eyes refuse to sleep.

٧. يَنامُ اللَّيلَ كُلُّ خَلِيِّ هَمٍّ
وَتأَبى العَينُ مِنّي أَن تَناما

8. I stay up late with the Pleiades,
My tears flowing ceaselessly.

٨. أُراعِي التالِياتِ مِن الثرَيّا
وَدَمعُ العَينِ مُنحَدِرٌ سِجاما

9. Once as I herded, my head felt
As if a poisonous insect stung it.

٩. عَلى حين اِرعويتُ وَكانَ رأسي
كَأَنَّ عَلى مفارِقِه ثَغاما

10. The guards hurried until they startled her,
And the rope snapped as it jerked and broke.

١٠. سَعى الواشونَ حَتّى أَزعَجوها
وَرَثَّ الحَبلُ فاِنجذمَ اِنجِذاما

11. As long as I live, I'll never leave,
Delighting in the memory of her passion.

١١. فَلَستُ بِزائِلٍ مادُمتُ حَيّا
مُسرّاً من تذكرِها هُياما

12. You wish for her though she is far away,
And time has passed, year after year.

١٢. تُرَجِّيها وَقَد شَطَّت نَواها
وَمَنَّتكَ المُنى عاماً فَعاما

13. A smooth-necked gazelle with ankles and shins
Bent under her weight when she stands.

١٣. خَدَلَّجةٌ لَها كَفَلٌ وَبوصٌ
يَنوءُ بِها إِذا قامَت قِياما

14. Of shapely legs, the fullness at her ankles
Visible when she moves her lower half.

١٤. مُخَصَّرَةٌ ترى في الكَشحِ مِنها
عَلى تَثقيلِ أَسفَلِها اِنهِضاما

15. She has a face pure and clear,
With character that shames the vile.

١٥. لَها بَشَرٌ نَقيُّ اللَّونِ صافٍ
وَأَخلاقٌ تَشينُ بِها اللِّئاما

16. A neck adorned with a strand of pearls
And gems set in order upon it.

١٦. وَنَحرٌ زانَهُ دُرٌّ حَليٌّ
وَياقوتٌ يُضَمِّنُهُ النِّظاما

17. When she smiles, the flash of lightning shines,
Rippling through the darkness.

١٧. إِذا اِبتَسَمت تَلألأَ ضَوءُ بَرقٍ
تَهَلَّلَ في الدجُنَّةِ ثُمَّ داما

18. When she inclines on her side, it is like
Shifting sand dunes billowing in the air.

١٨. وَإِن مالَ الضَّجيعُ فَدِعصُ رَملٍ
تَداعى كَأَنَّ مُلتَبِداً هَياما

19. Whoever sees her standing is amazed
By a summer cloud bursting with rain.

١٩. وَإِن قامَت تأمَّلَ مَن رآها
غَمامَةَ صَيفٍ وَلجَت غَماما

20. Sitting, she is a doll in a festive house
Veiled, barely visible at all.

٢٠. وَإِن جَلست فَدُميَةُ بَيتِ عيدٍ
تُصانُ فَلا تُرى إِلا لِماما

21. When she walks, it is like the creeping of a stream,
Winding then straightening its course.

٢١. إِذا تَمشي تَقولُ دَبيبَ سَيلٍ
تَعرَّجَ ساعَةً ثُمَّ اِستَقاما

22. If I complained to her of my complaints,
Even a stone would echo my words.

٢٢. فَلَو أَشكو الَّذي أَشكو إِلَيها
إِلى حَجَرٍ لراجَعني الكَلاما

23. I love her nearness and she loves my distance,
Veiled from praise, refusing it.

٢٣. أُحِبُّ دنُوَّها وَتحِبُّ نَأيي
وَتَعتامُ الثناءَ لَها اعتِياما

24. Remembering Umm Bakr, I am like one
Wounded by arrows complaining of their pain.

٢٤. كَأَنّي مِن تَذكُّرِ أُمِّ بَكرٍ
جَريحُ أَسِنَّةٍ يَشكو كِلاما

25. It destroys me when she is angry,
And is gloomy and downcast.

٢٥. تَساقَطُ أَنفُساً نَفسي عَلَيها
إِذا سَخِطت وَتغتَمُّ اِغتِماما

26. I haunt the desolate encampments she left,
Abandoned, except for tent stakes or tent cloth.

٢٦. غَشيتُ لَها مَنازِلُ مُقفِراتٍ
عَفَت إِلا أَياصِرَ أَو ثُماما

27. A dream whose sides have crumbled,
Its structure like a temporary nomad's tent.

٢٧. وَنؤياً قَد تَهَدَّمَ جانِباهُ
وَمَبناها بِذي سَلَمِ الخِياما

28. As if al-Bukhthuriya, mother of Khashf,
Camped in al-Junaynah, so farewell!

٢٨. كَأَنَّ البختَريَةَ أم خِشفٍ
تَرَبَّعَتِ الجُنَينَةَ فالسلاما

29. She circles around at daybreak when
Loneliness brings her to gloomy sands.

٢٩. تَطوفُ بِواضِحِ الذِّفرى إِذا ما
تَخَلَّفَ ساعَةً بغمت بُغاما

30. Greet me and know I am generous,
My sweetness mixed with bitterness.

٣٠. صِليني واِعلمي أَنّي كَريمٌ
وَأَنَّ حَلاوَتي خُلِطَت عُراما

31. I was created to confront those who oppose me,
A stalwart horse bred for battle.

٣١. وَأَنّي ذو مدافعةٍ صَليبٌ
خُلِقتُ لِمَن يضارِسُني لِجاما

32. By your father! I'll never forget you
Until we lie side by side in the grave.

٣٢. فَلا وَأَبيك لا أَنساكِ حَتّى
تُجاوِرَ هامَتي في القَبرِ هاما

33. The clan of Shaddakh knows when I
Join the fray, I plunge into the thickest of it.

٣٣. لَقَد عَلِمت بَنو الشَّدّاخِ أَنّي
إِذا زاحَمتُ اِضطَلِعُ الزِّحاما

34. I am no poet of frivolities or crimes
Under the cover of darkness.

٣٤. فَلَستُ بِشاعرِ السَّفسافِ مِنهم
وَلا الجاني إِذا أشِرَ الظَلاما

35. Rather, when I war against a people,
I prepare for them a destructive assault.

٣٥. وَلَكِنِّي إِذا حارَبتُ قَوماً
عَبأتُ لَهُم مذكرةً عُقاما

36. I protect my honor unless I fear injustice,
The tyranny of people, for they are tyrannical.

٣٦. أَقِي عِرضي إِذا لَم أَخشَ ظُلماً
طَغامَ الناسِ إِنَّ لهَمُ طَغاما

37. When a house lacks supports,
The branches of its trunk collapse.

٣٧. إِذا ما البَيتُ لَم تُشدَد بِشيءٍ
قَواعِدُ فرعه اِنهَدَمَ اِنهِداما

38. I will recite verses in praise
Of the best of men, singling out the generous.

٣٨. سأُهدي لابنِ ربعيٍّ ثَنائي
وَمِمّا أَن أَخصَّ بِهِ الكِراما

39. Ikrimah son of Rabīʿah, when the people
Are routed by sharp swords,

٣٩. لعِكرِمةُ بنُ رَبعيّ إِذا ما
تَساقا القَومُ بالأَسَلِ السِّماما

40. Is more ferocious than a lion of the jungle
Whose mighty roar shakes the hills.

٤٠. أَشَدُّ حَفيظَةً مِن لَيثِ غابٍ
تَخالُ زَئيرَهُ اللجبَ اللُّهاما

41. The brother of Trustworthiness, between us there is nobility,
He who is wronged but does not wrong in return.

٤١. أَخو ثِقَةٍ يُرى بَيني المَعالي
يَضيمُ وَيَحتَمي مِن أَن يُضاما

42. He sees some words as fair, obligatory to fulfill,
And others as forbidden to the questioner.

٤٢. يَرى قَولاً نَعَم حَقّاً عَلَيهِ
وَقَولاً لا لِسائِلِهِ حَراما

43. A man who does not insult the ignoble
Except by their own praise, which he sees as blame.

٤٣. فَتى لا يَرزأُ الخُلانَ إِلا
ثَناءَهُم يرى بِالبُخلِ ذاما

44. As if his cauldrons are on the top of a salt marsh
High on a hilltop exposed.

٤٤. كَأَنَّ قدورَهُ مِن رأسِ ميلٍ
عَلى عَلياءَ مشرفَةٍ نَعاما

45. The cooking pots are piled inside them,
Their joints just bones.

٤٥. تَظَلُّ الشارِفُ الكَوماءُ فيها
مُطبَّقَةً مَفاصِلُها عِظاما

46. Its fuel is the bones of others
So it never stops burning hot.

٤٦. يُحَسُّ وَقودُها بِعِظامِ أُخرى
فَلا ينفكُّ يَحتَدِمُ اِحتِداما

47. As if those circling them are hunters
Who saw prey and closed in on it.

٤٧. كَأَنَّ الطائِفينَ بِها صَوادٍ
رأت رِيّا وَقَد وردت هُياما

48. If the trenches were his, they would be
An abundant feast for whoever enters his dwelling.

٤٨. لَو اَنَّ الحَوشبينِ لَهُ لَكانا
لمن يَغشى سُرادِقَهُ طَعاما

49. You have outdone, O sons of Ruwaym,
Those who fled from the west in defeat.

٤٩. لَقَد جارَيتُما يا ابنَي رُوَيمٍ
هَزيمَ الغَربِ يَنثَلِمُ اِنثِلاما

50. The efforts of other honored people fall short,
While your glory is perfected.

٥٠. يُقَصِّرُ سَعيُ أَقوامٍ كِرامٍ
وَيأبى مَجدُه إِلا تَماما

51. He has a sea that drowned all seas—
No isthmus or strait can match it.

٥١. لَهُ بَحرٌ تَغَمَّدَ كُلَّ بَحرٍ
فَما عدلَ الدَّوارِجَ وَالسناما

52. He sees rights for the guest and neighbor
And considers the interests of his companions.

٥٢. يَرى لِلضَيفِ وَالجيرانِ حَقّاً
وَيَرعى في صَحابَتِهِ الذِّماما

53. When times get cold he treats both
The prosperous and destitute equally.

٥٣. إِذا بَرَدَ الزمانُ أَهانَ فيهِ
عَلى المَيسورِ وَالعُسرِ السَّواما

54. He races to glory,
A pigeon racing toward its nest.

٥٤. يُسابِقُ بالتلادِ إِلى المَعالي
حِمامَ النَّفسِ إِنَّ لَها حِماما

55. Dawn's light reveals him clearly,
Too proud for anyone to blame.

٥٥. أَغَرُّ تَكَشَّف الظلماء عَنهُ
يَعِزُّ مِن المَلامَةِ أَن يُلاما

56. In them are the roots of truthfulness,
A tribe whose first was their leader.

٥٦. نَما ونمت بهم أَعراقُ صِدقٍ
وَحيٌّ كانَ أَوَّلُهم زِماما

57. When the neighbor settles among them
On the lofty summits of cedar trees,

٥٧. كَأَنَّ الجارَ حينَ يَحلُّ فيهم
عَلى الشُمِّ البَواذِخ مِن شَماما

58. They take up arms for whoever comes to them
With the fire of war blazing hot.

٥٨. يُقيمونَ الضرابَ لِمَن أَتاهُم
وَنارُ الحَربِ تَضطَرِمُ اِضطِراما

59. He gives generous gifts and excellent character,
Noble and steadfast in hardships.

٥٩. هُوَ المُعطي الكِرامَ وَكُلَّ عَنسٍ
صَموتٍ في السُّرى تَقِصُ الأَكاما

60. And a grumbling miser with great ambitions
Who, when resolved, is firmly determined.

٦٠. وَخِنذيذٍ كَمَرِّيخِ المُغالي
إِذا ما خَفَّ يَعتَزِمُ اِعتِزاما

61. Tall, of excellent character,
His loud cry strips away the loincloths.

٦١. طَويلِ الشخص ذي خُصَلٍ نَجيبٍ
أَجَشّ تَقُطُّ زفرتُه الحِزاما

62. I have not seen a horseman train his mare,
Or a magnificent king, as well as him.

٦٢. فَلَم أرَ سوقةً يُربي عَلَيهِ
بِنائِلِهِ وَلا مَلِكاً هُماما