
So do not marry Time, if you wish to marry,

فلا تنكحن الدهر إن كنت ناكحا

1. So do not marry Time, if you wish to marry,
An old hag, of whom naught remains but her wheezing.

١. فَلا تَنكحَنَّ الدَّهرَ إِن كُنتَ ناكِحاً
عَشَوزَنةً لَم يَبقَ إِلا هَريرُها

2. She is generous with her legs and stingy with her money,
And if she gets angry, she frightens the lions with her roar.

٢. تَجودُ برجلَيها وَتَمنَعُ مالَها
وَإِن غَضِبَت راعَ الأُسودَ زَئيرُها

3. When she finishes off the people of one house,
She travels on her camel to another house to finish them off.

٣. إِذا فرغَت مِن أَهلِ دارٍ تُبيرُهم
سَحَت سَحوةً أُخرى لِدارٍ تُبيرُها