
Thurayya said to her friends with picked fruit

قالت ثريا لأتراب لها قطف

1. Thurayya said to her friends with picked fruit,
"Arise, let us greet Abu al-Khattab from the mound,

١. قالَت ثُرَيّا لَأَترابٍ لَها قُطُفٍ
قُمنَ نُحَيِّي أَبا الخَطّابِ مِن كَثَبِ

2. So break into love on account of what she said and its circulation
Like gilded statues,

٢. فَطِرنَ حَبّاً لِما قالَت وَشايَعَها
مِثلُ التَماثيلِ قَد مُوِّهنَ بِالذَهَبِ

3. Wearing silk robes
And brocade and damask silk.

٣. يَرفُلنَ في مِطرَفاتِ السوسِ آوِنَةً
وَفي العَتيقِ مِنَ الديباجِ وَالقَصَبِ

4. You see jewelry studded with pearls upon them
Along with emeralds and ruby like embers,

٤. تَرى عَلَيهِنَّ حَليَ الدُرِّ مُتَّسِقاً
مَعَ الزَبَرجَدِ وَالياقوتِ كَالشُهُبِ

5. A girl said to them I thought was
Flirtatious in her speech and play,

٥. قالَت لَهُنَّ فَتاةٌ كُنتُ أَحسَبُها
غَريرَةً بِرَجيعِ القَولِ وَاللَعِبِ

6. "This is an open, public place—no concealment in it!
Do you not fear enemies and slavery?"

٦. هَذا مَقامُ شُنوعٍ لا خَفاءَ بِهِ
أَلا تَخَفنَ مِنَ الأَعداءِ وَالرُقُبِ