
The eye has never seen the like of Thurayya

لم تر العين للثريا شبيها

1. The eye has never seen the like of Thurayya
When the two streams met

١. لَم تَرَ العَينُ لِلثُرَيّا شَبيهاً
بِمَسيلِ التِلاعِ لَمّا اِلتَقَينا

2. She winked at me and said
Love walked falsely with travelers to us

٢. أَعمَلَت طَرفَها إِلَيَّ وَقالَت
حُبَّ بِالسائِرينَ زَوراً إِلَينا

3. Then she said to her sister, "We have wronged him
If we send him back disappointed and exceeded

٣. ثُمَّ قالَت لِأُختِها قَد ظَلَمنا
إِن رَجَعناهُ خائِباً وَاِعتَدَينا

4. And we turned our talk inside out
And we got what we craved

٤. وَضَرَبنا الحَديثَ ظَهراً لِبَطنٍ
وَأَتينا مِن أَمرِنا ما اِشتَهَينا

5. In private, without a friend near us
We quenched his thirst and slaked ourselves

٥. في خَلاءٍ مِنَ الأَنيسِ وَأَمنٍ
فَشَفَينا غَلَيلَهُ وَاِشتَفَينا

6. Then we stayed like that for ten days in succession
Fulfilling our debts and taking what we desired

٦. فَلَبِثنا بِذاكَ عَشراً تِباعاً
فَقَضَينا دُيونَنا وَاِقتَضَينا

7. That was on our journey, then we went home
God knows what we intended

٧. كانَ ذا في مَسيرِنا وَرَجَعنا
عَلِمَ اللَهُ مِنهُ ما قَد نَوَينا