1. And who can a sick man tell of his illness
Except for Zainab - confidant of his heart and worries
١. وَمَن لِسَقيمٍ يَكتُمُ الناسَ ما بِهِ
لِزَينَبَ نَجوى صَدرِهِ وَالوَساوِسُ
2. I say to those who seek a cure, when will you come
With Zainab and attain some of what you desire
٢. أَقولُ لِمَن يَبغي الشِفاءَ مَتى تَجِئ
بِزَينَبَ تُدرِك بَعضَ ما أَنتَ لامِسُ
3. For if you are not cured of my sickness
Then I despair of the cures of physicians
٣. فَإِنَّكَ إِن لَم تُشفَ مِن سَقَمي
فَإِنِّيَ مِن طِبِّ الأَطِبّاءِ يائِسُ
4. I am not one on the night of parting to sit with a gathering
For Zainab, until my head rests dazed
٤. فَلَستُ بِناسٍ لَيلَةَ الدارِ مَجلِساً
لِزَينَبَ حَتّى يَعلُوَ الرَأسَ رامِسُ
5. The quarters appeared like a moon, her coverings lifted
And her guardians disappeared
٥. خَلاءً بَدَت قَمراؤهُ وَتَكَشَّفَت
دُجُنَّتُهُ وَغابَ مَن هُوَ حارِسُ
6. You attained nothing forbidden from her, except that we
Were both clad in purple raiment
٦. فَما نِلتَ مِنها مَحرَماً غَيرَ أَنَّنا
كِلانا مِنَ الثَوبِ المُوَرَّدِ لابِسُ
7. Innocently, we whiled away our amusement without sin
Even if the frowning censors sneered
٧. نَجِيَّينِ نَقضي اللَهوَ في غَيرِ مَأثَمٍ
وَلَو رُغِمَت مِلكاشِحينَ المَعاطِسُ