
Yearn for Zainab though parting's ordained

ألمم بزينب إن البين قد أفدا

1. Yearn for Zainab though parting's ordained
Few are the tents where farewell's not gained

١. أَلمِم بِزَينَبَ إِنَّ البَينَ قَد أَفِدا
قَلَّ الثَواءُ لَئِن كانَ الرَحيلُ غَدا

2. The Iraqi knows not, when the dawn uplifts
Who circumambulates the Holy House or bows prostrate in prayer

٢. أَمسى العِراقِيُّ لا يَدري إِذا بَرَزَت
مَن ذا تَطَوَّفَ بِالأَركانِ أَو سَجَدا

3. I swear if she travels I'll never stay
As long as this love endures but her shooter lies dead

٣. لَعَمرُها ما أَراني إِن نَوىً نَزَحَت
وَدامَ ذا الحُبُّ إِلّا قاتِلي كَمَدا

4. Bakr invited it by his own misfortune
Whether he came there lost or rightly-guided

٤. بَكرٌ دَعا فَأَتى عَمداً لِشَقوَتِهِ
ما جاءَ مِن ذاكَ إِن غَيّاً وَإِن رَشَدا

5. He who's warned but disobeys, who envies me without cause
Neither slanderers nor envious ones have harmed me

٥. مَن يَنهَ يُعصَ وَمَن يَحسِد وَلا وَأَبي
ما ضَرَّني مَن وَشى عِندي وَمَن حَسَدا

6. This draws her close, her tears the day we parted
She heeded no limits and no restraints

٦. هَذا يُقَرِّبُهُ مِنها وَعَبرَتُها
يَومَ الفِراقِ فَما أَرعى وَما اِقتَصَدا

7. She swore a solemn oath the night we crossed the bridge
And oaths are all that bind a man intent

٧. قَد حَلَفَت لَيلَةَ الصَورَينِ جاهِدَةً
وَما عَلى المَرءِ إِلّا الحَلفُ مُجتَهِدا

8. By her soil and that of her neighbor
In him I found more than others have obtained

٨. لِتِربِها وَلَأُخرى مِن مَناصِفِها
لَقَد وَجَدتُ بِهِ فَوقَ الَّذي وَجَدا

9. If all mankind were gathered and its elite
Were chosen, none would equal him

٩. لَو جُمِّعَ الناسُ ثُمَّ اِختيرَ صَفوَتُهُم
شَخصاً مِنَ الناسِ لَم أَعدِل بِهِ أَحَدا

10. I warned my heart to stop desiring her
But it disobeyed me and did as it thought fit

١٠. وَقَد نَهَيتُ فُؤادي عَن تَطَلُّبِها
فَاِغتَشَّني وَأَتى ما شاءَ مُعتَمِدا