
A guest visited us, I was delighted by him

زارنا زور سررت به

1. A guest visited us, I was delighted by him
I wish that guest had not been in a hurry

١. زارَنا زَورٌ سُرِرتُ بِهِ
لَيتَ ذاكَ الزَورَ لَم يَعجَل

2. When he came to us one night in haste
From the eyes of the alluring tavern

٢. إِذ أَتانا لَيلَةً وَجِلاً
مِن عُيونِ الخانَةِ العُذلِ

3. And he came while he was tattered
With no camels from the tribe left behind

٣. وَأَتانا وَهوَ مُنخَرِقٌ
وَبِغالُ الحَيِّ لَم تُرحَل

4. O Abu Al-Khattab, do you have
A sincere messenger that can be sent

٤. يا أَبا الخَطّابِ هَل لَكُمُ
مِن رَسولٍ ناصِحٍ يُرسَلِ

5. With what I hide and conceal
From all the people, I did not accept

٥. بِالَّذي أُخفي وَأَكتُمُهُ
مِن جَميعِ الناسِ لَم أَقبَل

6. So she made me, little by little
Taste the sweetness of her smile that did not wane

٦. فَأَذاقَتني عَلى مَهلٍ
طَيِّبَ الأَنيابِ لَم يَثعَلِ

7. We reckon the graceful wind by it
And the necklace and chain

٧. نَحسَبُ الراحَ الذَكيَّ بِهِ
وَسُلافَ الراحِ وَالسَلسَل