
Asma has sent, "We have

أرسلت أسماء إنا

1. Asma has sent, "We have
Changed except for you

١. أَرسَلَت أَسماءُ إِنّا
قَد تَبَدَّلنا سِواكا

2. A change, so do without us
A change that enriches your singing

٢. بَدَلاً فَاِستَغنِ عَنّا
بَدَلاً يُغني غِناكا

3. You will not see Asma until
Your hand reaches the stars

٣. لَن تَرى أَسماءَ حَتّى
تَبلُغَ النَجمَ يَداكا

4. So avoid me and obey
The advice the pocket's advisor gives you

٤. فَاِجتَنِبني وَأَطيعَن
ناصِحِ الجَيبِ نَهاكا

5. The house certainly has men
All desiring your return

٥. إِنَّ في الدارِ رِجالاً
كُلُّهُم يَهوى رَداكا

6. Do not blame me and avoid me
You have not closed off from that"

٦. لا تَلُمني وَاِجتَنِبني
أَنتَ ما سَدَّيتَ ذاكا