
Shall Zainab be connected or abandoned

أتوصل زينب أم تهجر

1. Shall Zainab be connected or abandoned
Even if she wronged us, how could we not forgive

١. أَتُوصَلُ زَينَبُ أَم تُهجَرُ
وَإِن ظَلَمَتنا أَلا نَغفِرُ

2. She hinted and insisted that she
Wants reproach and is arrogant

٢. أَدَلَّت وَلَجَّ بِها أَنَّها
تُريدُ العِتابَ وَتَستَكبِرُ

3. And she knows that with us
She has precious affection that does not appear

٣. وَتَعلَمُ أَنَّ لَها عِندَنا
ذَخائِرَ مِلحُبِّ لا تَظهَرُ

4. And love, even if the slanderers spoke
Ill of her, even if the critic exaggerates

٤. وَوُدّاً وَلَو نَطَقَ الكاشِحو
نَ فيها وَلَو أَكثَرَ المُكثِرُ

5. And I'm not like the girl said
The morning after they stirred up the ashes

٥. وَلَستُ بِناسٍ مَقالَ الفَتاةِ
غَداةَ المُحَصَّبِ إِذ جَمَّروا

6. "Aren't you sheltering us, O youth
When the misfortunes fall asleep, we are cautious?"

٦. أَلَستَ مُلِمّاً بِنا يا فَتىً
إِذا نامَ عَنّا الأُلى نَحذَرُ

7. So I said "Yes, stay advising
To shake off what worries us"

٧. فَقُلتُ بَلى أَقعِدي ناصِحاً
يُنَفِّضُ عَنّا الَّذي يَنظُرُ

8. And proof of that is you hearing
The call to prayer, O long-lived one

٨. وَآيَةُ ذَلِكَ أَن تَسمَعي
نِداءَ المُصَلّينَ يا مَعمَرُ

9. So I came while the people were asleep
While two women argued and the date seller lowered his price

٩. فَأَقبَلتُ وَالناسُ قَد هَجَعوا
إِذا كاعِبانِ وَرَخصُ البَنانِ

10. A horse with its bridle hanging askew
So I secretly greeted them and she welcomed me

١٠. أَسيلٌ مُقَلَّدُهُ أَحوَرُ
فَسَلَّمتُ خَفياً فَحيَينَني

11. While my heart quivered with fear
And she said "You were disturbed and obeyed

١١. وَقَلبِيَ مِن خَشيَةٍ أَوجَرُ
وَقالَت طَرِبتَ وَطاوَعتَ بي

12. The words of the enemy, who will deter him?"
So I said "The words of my wise brother

١٢. مَقالَ العَدُوِّ وَمَن يَزجُرُ
فَقُلتُ مَقالَ أَخي فِطنَةٍ

13. Who hears her speech and sees"
"Do you seek sins from the silent

١٣. سَميعٍ بِمَنطِقِها مُبصِرُ
أَلِلصَرمِ تَطَّلِبينَ الذُنوبَ

14. When I have not sinned so that you may betray me
If you have tried to cut the ropes of love

١٤. وَلَم أَجنِ ذَنباً لِكَي تَغدِروا
فَإِن كُنتِ حاوَلتِ صَرمَ الحِبالِ

15. Then connecting with you cannot be severed
And if you pretended to reproach

١٥. فَإِنَّ وِصالَكِ لا يُبتَرُ
وَإِن كُنتِ أَدلَلتِ كَي تَعتَبي

16. Then being content with you makes me rich"
A free woman next to her said

١٦. فَكَفّي لَكُم بِالرِضا توسِرُ
فَقالَت لَها حُرَّةٌ عِندَها

17. Sweetly, kissing her and squeezing her
"Leave off blaming the youth and favor him

١٧. لَذيذٌ مُقَبَّلُها مُعصِرُ
دَعي عَنكِ عَذلَ الفَتى وَاِسعِفي

18. For affection has necklaces for him"
So I stayed judging what she wanted

١٨. فَإِنَّ الوِدادَ لَهُ أَسوَرُ
فَبِتُّ أُحَكِّمُ فيما أَرَد

19. Until dawn broke bright and blond
She would lean on me when I gave her to drink

١٩. تُ حَتّى بَدا واضِحٌ أَشقَرُ
تَميلُ عَلَيَّ إِذا سُقتُها

20. As a stumbling drunk leans, redolent
Carnations wafted from her pocket

٢٠. كَما اِنهالَ مُرتَكِمٌ أَعفَرُ
يَفوحُ القَرَنفُلُ مِن جَيبِها

21. And the scents of jasmine and amber
So I stayed while my night with Layla, yes or no

٢١. وَريحُ اليَلَنجوجِ وَالعَنبَرُ
فَبِتُّ وَلَيلى كَلا أَو بَلى

22. Was by her, without my night being shorter
And how can I avoid love’s home

٢٢. لَدَيها وَبَل لَيلَتي أَقصَرُ
وَكَيفَ اِجتِنابُكِ دارَ الحَبي

23. Or how can I abstain from mentioning her
She saw you with one eye and you saw her

٢٣. بِ أَم كَيفَ عَن ذِكرِهِ تَصبِرُ
رَأَتكَ بِعَينٍ وَأَبصَرتَها

24. And the one who sees does not reproach

٢٤. وَلَيسَ يُعاتِبُ مَن يَنظُرُ