1. A sickness with no match to sickness
Has stricken my heart midst bounties,
١. قَد أَصابَ القَلبَ مِن نُعمِ
سُقمُ داءٍ لَيسَ كَالسُقمِ
2. Bounties that led a confident man
To roam freely and shoot arrows.
٢. إِنَّ نُعماً أَقصَدَت رَجُلاً
آمِناً بِالخَيفِ إِذ تَرمي
3. With supple twigs, sweet-toothed,
And leaning graceful as vine bunches,
٣. بِشَتيتٍ نَبتُهُ رَتِلِ
طَيِّبِ الأَنيابِ وَالطَعمِ
4. One day it exposed to her neighbor,
But would not disclose my name to her.
٤. وَبِوَحفٍ مائِلٍ رَجَلٍ
كَعَناقيدِ مِنَ الكَرمِ
5. "Ask him, then listen closely -
Who of us deserves more blame?"
٥. عَرَّضَت يَوماً لِجارَتِها
وَهيَ لا تَبوحُ لي بِاِسمِ
6. "Grasp our conversation and judge between us -
I will accept the judgment."
٦. إِسأَليهِ ثُمَّتَ اِستَمِعي
أَيُّنا أَحَقُّ بِالظُلَمِ
7. "Recite to him - did I approach him
Angrily, knowingly causing offense?
٧. وَاِفهَمي عَنّا تَحاوُرَنا
وَاِحكُمي رَضيتُ بِالحُكمِ
8. He comes to you with his argument -
So blame rests on him, I do not defend."
٨. وَاِنشُديهِ هَل أَتَيتُ لَهُ
سَخَطاً مِنّي عَلى عِلمِ
٩. يَأتِكُم مِنّي بِهُجَّتِهِ
فَلَهُ العُتبى وَلا أَحمي