1. The virgins wept bitterly throughout the night
In black, not expecting the dawn.
١. بَكَرَ العاذِلاتُ فيها صِراحا
بِسَوادٍ وَما اِنتَظَرنَ صَباحا
2. They said, "It is hard for the heart to be consoled
With consolation that has become a disgrace."
٢. قُلنَ عَزَّ الفُؤادَ عَن أُمِّ بَكرٍ
بِعَزاءٍ قَدِ اِفتَضَحتَ اِفتِضاحا
3. I said, "My love for her is no shame to me.
For a lover one day may speak openly."
٣. قُلتُ ما حُبُّها عَلَيَّ بِعارٍ
إِن مُحِبٌّ يَوماً مِنَ الدَهرِ باحا
4. "You have spoken sincerely," I told them.
"And tried hard, had I wanted to be set right."
٤. قَد أَرى أَنَّكُنَّ قُلتُنَّ نُصحاً
وَاِجتَهَدتُنَّ لَو أُريدُ صَلاحا
5. "Had you felt my pain, you'd have excused me.
But you saw me in good health."
٥. لَو دَويتُنَّ مِثلَ دائي عَذَرتُن
نَ وَلَكِن رَأَيتُكُنَّ صِحاحا
6. "Or if you had loved, do not repeat this.
For I have shown the slanderers away from me."
٦. أَو تَحَبَّبنَ لا تَعُدنَ فَإِنّي
قَد أَريتُ الوُشاةَ مِنّي اِطِّراحا
7. "She is like a surfeited camel,
Her udder dry, causing the milkers' despair."
٧. إِنَّها كَالمَهاةِ مُشبَعَةُ الخَل
خالِ صِفرُ الحَشا تُجيعُ الوِشاحا
8. "In the women's abode, she makes virtue
Appear ugly when one is with her."
٨. في مَحَلِّ النِساءِ طَيِّبَةُ النَش
رِ يُرى عِندَها الوِسامُ قِباحا
9. "She has not ceased from passionate love
For whoever is next to her, even unto the winds."
٩. لَم تَزَل مِن هَوى قُرَيبَةَ تَهوى
مَن يَليها حَتّى هَوَيتَ الرِياحا
10. "The flatterers brought him close for a while.
Then he met his fate with little strife."
١٠. قَرَّبَتهُ المُقَرِّباتُ لِحينٍ
فَأَتى حَتفَهُ يَسيرُ كِفاحاً