1. O judges of God's servants, judgement
And piety to God is upon you -
١. يا قُضاةَ العِبادِ إِنَّ عَلَيكُم
في تُقى رَبِّكُم وَعَدلِ القَضاءِ
2. To accept testimony from women,
And reject the testimony of others.
٢. أَن تُجيزوا وَتَشهَدوا لِنِساءٍ
وَتَرُدّوا شَهادَةً لِنِساءٍ
3. Consider each loose, wanton one,
And reject the testimony of the brazen;
٣. فَاِنظُروا كُلَّ ذاتِ بوصٍ رَداحٍ
فَأَجيزوا شَهادَةَ العَجزاءِ
4. Do not accept the testimony of the immodest.
I wish the immodest had a town of their own
٤. وَاِرفُضوا الرُسحَ في الشَهادَةِ رَفضاً
لا تُجيزوا شَهادَةَ الرَسحاءِ
5. Where no Muslim would pray to God,
With no one else mixing among them
٥. لَيتَ لِلرُسحِ قَريَةً هُنَّ فيها
ما دَعا اللَهَ مُسلِمٌ بِدُعاءِ
6. In some distant, empty place.
May God destroy them all, and keep
٦. لَيسَ فيها خِلاطَهُنَّ سِواهُن
نَ بِأَرضٍ بَعيدَةٍ وَخَلاءِ
7. Every cheek rouged, every brow marked.
Tying their belts over humps from straying,
٧. عَجَّلَ اللَهُ قَطَّهُنَّ وَأَبقى
كُلَّ خَودٍ خَريدَةٍ قَبّاءِ
8. Laden beasts wrapped in saddlebags.
May God bare the teeth of every
٨. تَعقِدُ المِرطَ فَوقَ دِعصٍ مِنَ الرَم
لِ عَريضٍ قَد حُفَّ بِالأَنقاءِ
9. Glowering fool, foretelling harm,
A snarling, tile-nosed, gangling calf
٩. وَلَحى اللَهُ كُلَّ عَفلاءَ زَلّا
ءَ عَبوساً قَد آذَنَت بِالبَذاءِ
10. Ever miserable and wretched,
By my life, vulgar, uncouth women
١٠. صَرصَرٍ سَلفَعٍ رَضيعَةِ غولٍ
لَم تَزَل في شَصيبَةٍ وَشَقاءِ
11. Are the essence of evil, not modesty -
Not those who dwell in palaces, generous ladies
١١. وَبِنَفسي ذَواتُ خَلقٍ عَميمٍ
هُنَّ أَهلُ البَها وَأَهلُ الحَياءِ
12. Who don't wander around in the dark!
١٢. قاطِناتٌ دورَ البَلاطِ كِرامٌ
لَسنَ مِمَّن يَزورُ في الظُلماءِ