
I entered the neighborhood though its people were feared

ولقد دخلت الحي يخشى أهله

1. I entered the neighborhood though its people were feared
After the calm and after the dew had fallen

١. وَلَقَد دَخَلتُ الحَيَّ يُخشى أَهلُهُ
بَعدَ الهُدوءِ وَبَعدَما سَقَطَ النَدى

2. There I found a free woman adorned with jewelry
That you would think her coal embers with it

٢. فَوَجَدتُ فيهِ حُرَّةً قَد زُيِّنَت
بِالحَليِ تَحسَبُهُ بِها جَمرَ الغَضا

3. When I entered, I averted my eyes from her
Deliberately, fearing the passion would be seen

٣. لَمّا دَخَلتُ مَنَحتُ طَرفي غَيرَها
عَمداً مَخافَةَ أَن يُرى رَيعُ الهَوى

4. Lest a conversing friend says to his companion
"They lied about her, by Him who created the Highest Heaven"

٤. كَيما يَقولَ مُحَدَّثٌ لِجَليسِهِ
كَذَبوا عَلَيها وَالَّذي سَمَكَ العُلى

5. She said to her fair companions around her
Of white faces, gazelles like pure pearls

٥. قالَت لِأَترابٍ نَواعِمَ حَولَها
بيضِ الوُجوهِ خَرائِدٍ مِثلِ الدُمى

6. "By Allah, Lord of Muhammad, tell me truly
Are you not surprised by this young man?

٦. بِاللَهِ رَبِّ مُحَمَّدٍ حَدِّثنَني
حَقّاً أَما تَعجَبنَ مِن هَذا الفَتى

7. Entering a house of intense seclusion
At an improper time, does he not fear rejection?"

٧. الداخِلِ البَيتَ الشَديدَ حِجابُهُ
في غَيرِ ميعادٍ أَما يَخشى الرَدى

8. I replied, "A lover is accustomed
To meeting whom he loves, even if he fears harm"

٨. فَأَجَبتُها إِنَّ المُحِبَّ مُعَوَّدٌ
بِلِقاءِ مَن يَهوى وَإِن خافَ العِدى

9. So I attained a blessing when I entered upon them
And I fell from it where I came, following passion

٩. فَنَعِمتُ بالاً إِذ دَخَلتُ عَلَيهِمُ
وَسَقَطتُ مِنها حَيثُ جِئتُ عَلى هَوى

10. White like the sun at its rising
Marked with beauty, amazing all who saw

١٠. بَيضاءُ مِثلُ الشَمسِ حينَ طُلوعِها
مَوسومَةٌ بِالحُسنِ تُعجِبُ مَن رَأى