
Speak to me, you who are no liar

حدثيني وأنت غير كذوب

1. Speak to me, you who are no liar
Do you love me, I sacrifice myself for you?

١. حَدِّثيني وَأَنتِ غَيرُ كَذوبٍ
أَتُحِبّينَني جُعِلتُ فِداكِ

2. And tell me the truth, for my heart is hostage
It cannot bear talk of anyone but you

٢. وَاِصدُقيني فَإِنَّ قَلبي رَهينٌ
ما يُطيقُ الكَلامَ فيمَن سِواكِ

3. Whenever a star shined or hid
The mention of you broke my heart, so it wept

٣. كُلَّما لاحَ أَو تَغَوَّرَ نَجمٌ
صَدَعَ القَلبَ ذِكرُكُم فَبَكاكِ

4. You wished in reproach for my separation
So you got what you wanted, O Thritya

٤. قَد تَمَنَّيتِ في العِتابِ فِراقي
فَلَقَد نِلتِ يا ثُرَيّا مُناكِ

5. Do not obey the slanderers in what they wanted
O Thritya, nor the one who prevents you

٥. لا تُطيعي الوشاةَ فيما أَرادوا
يا ثُرَيّا وَلا الَّذي يَنهاكِ

6. How many glorious men
Wish in a gathering that they could see you

٦. كَم فَتىً ماجِدَ الخَلائِقِ عَفٍّ
يَتَمَنّى في مَجلِسٍ أَن يَراكِ

7. Nothing can come between what God has ordained
He has the right, so I cannot meet with you

٧. حالَ مِن دونِ ذاكَ ما قَدَّرَ اللَ
هُ بِحَقٍّ فَما يُطيقُ لِقاكِ