1. My friend, whose wandering ghost brought pain
That stole my sleep and made illness remain,
١. طالَ لَيلي لِسُرى طَيفٍ أَلَم
فَنَفى النَومَ وَأَجداني السَقَم
2. Her lands have called Rim home again
Yet still she does not come, forever in vain
٢. طَيفِ ريمٍ شَطَّهُ أَوطانُهُ
فَهيَ لَم تَدنُ وَلَيسَت بِأَمَم
3. Is there no loyal friend who can explain
The secret sorrow of this silent swain?
٣. مَن رَسولٌ ناصِحٌ يُخبِرُنا
عَن مُحِبٍّ مُستَهامٍ قَد كَتَم
4. His love so strong his body lies in chains
Long grief and cares have brought him bane
٤. حُبَّهُ حَتّى تَبَلّى جِسمُهُ
وَبَراهُ طولُ أَحزانٍ وَهَم
5. He who denies what would end my pain
Though freely given would make me sane
٥. ذاكَ مَن يَبخَلُ عَنّي بَالَّذي
لَو بِهِ جادَ شَفاني مِن سَقَم
6. Whenever I ask, he refuses in disdain
Back turned, rejecting me outright again
٦. كُلَّما ساءَلتُهُ خَيراً أَبى
وَبِلاءٍ شَدَّ ظَهراً وَاِعتَصَم
7. Words between us that would better remain unsaid
Wish they'd struck us both mute and dead
٧. لَجَّ فيما بَينَنا قَولاً بِلا
لَيتَ لا مَن قالَها نالَ الصَمَم
8. If what I ask for was here instead
When he asked, yes I would have said
٨. وَلَوَ أَنّي كانَ ما أَطلُبُهُ
عِندَنا يَطلُبهُ قُلتُ نَعَم
9. Yet still each day he finds suspect
Though I've committed no crime, shows no respect
٩. وَأَراهُ كُلَّ يَومٍ يَجتَني
عِلَلاً في غَيرِ جُرمٍ يُجتَرَم
10. His thoughts impugn, though mine aim to protect
When he opines, I come correct
١٠. ظَنُّها بي ظَنُّ سوءٍ فاحِشٍ
وَبِها ظَنّي عَفافٌ وَكَرَم
11. When I speak out, he turns away in neglect
How can justice treat us as equal in effect?
١١. وَإِذا قالَ مَقالاً جِئتُهُ
وَإِذا قُلتُ تَأَبّى وَظَلَم
12. When he is right and I stand suspect
We named him judge to rule without defect
١٢. كَيفَ هَذا يَستَوي في حُكمِهِ
أَنَّهُ بَرٌّ وَأَنّي مُتَّهَم
13. Now he must see fit to reconnect
And rectify where once there was defect
١٣. قَد تَراضَيناهُ عَدلاً بَينَنا
وَجَعَلناهُ أَميراً وَحَكَم
14. Or step down if he cannot reflect
And let us judge if we intersect
١٤. فَعَلَيهِ الآنَ أَن يُنصِفَنا
وَيُجِدَّ اليَومَ ما كانَ صَرَم
15. Though some oppose, his word we respect
We care not if it causes them defect
١٥. أَو يَرُدَّ الحُكمَ عَنهُ بِالرِضا
فَعَلَينا حُكمُهُ فيما اِحتَكَم
١٦. وَلَهُ الحُكمُ عَلى رَغمِ العِدى
لا نُبالي سُخطَ مَن فيهِ رَغَم