1. The dwellings are left in ruins
Between Jurayr and the corner of Kusab
١. حَيِّ المَنازِلَ قَد تُرِكنَ خَرابا
بَينَ الجُرَيرِ وَبَينَ رُكنِ كُسابا
2. The path there is changed by the bend
Of passing clouds followed by clouds
٢. بِالثَنيِ مِن مَلِكانِ غَيَّرَ رَسمَها
مَرُّ السَحابِ المُعقِباتِ سَحابا
3. And the tails of the raging winds shape it
Into a creation that eyes resemble writing
٣. وَذُيولُ مُعصِفَةِ الرِياحِ فَرَسمُها
خَلَقٌ تُشَبِّهُهُ العُيونُ كِتابا
4. The winds wore away its newness from its soil
Into fine particles, so it became dispersing debris
٤. كَسَتِ الرِياحُ جَديدَها مِن تُربِها
دُقَقاً فَأَصبَحَتِ العِراصُ يَبابا
5. And I saw it once inhabited
With beautiful vegetation in its place
٥. وَلَقَد أَراها مَرَّةً مَأهولَةً
حَسَناً نَباتُ مَحَلِّها مِعشابا
6. The house that one morning when I met
At the embers, I did not tire of answering
٦. دارُ الَّتي قالَت غَداةَ لَقيتُها
عِندَ الجِمارِ فَما عَيِيتُ جَوابا
7. This one who sold his friend for another
And wants me to be pleased with that reward
٧. هَذا الَّذي باعَ الصَديقَ بِغَيرِهِ
وَيُريدُ أَن أَرضى بِذاكَ ثَوابا
8. I said, listen to me, who would obey
His flattering and lying friend
٨. قُلتُ اِسمَعي مِنّي المَقالَ فَمَن يُطِع
بِصَديقِهِ المُتَمَلِّقَ الكَذّابا
9. And have his ropes knotted for him
Without cutting off the causes
٩. وَتَكُن لَدَيهِ حِبالُهُ أُنشوطَةً
في غَيرِ شَيءٍ يَقطَعِ الأَسبابا
10. When you tried blaming to know
What we have, you prolonged the blame
١٠. إِذ كُنتِ حاوَلتِ العِتابَ لِتَعلَمي
ما عِندَنا فَلَقَد أَطَلتِ عِتابا
11. Or was that because of the distance, then
It suffices you, the cloak covers us both
١١. أَو كانَ ذَلِكَ لِلبِعادِ فَإِنَّما
يَكفيكِ ضَربُكِ دونَنا الجِلبابا
12. And I see in your face an evident radiance
And in another's face, stain and fog
١٢. وَأَرى بِوَجهِكِ شَرقَ نورٍ بَيِّنٍ
وَبِوَجهِ غَيرِكِ طَخيَةً وَضَبابا