1. I remembered you at the palace, the palace of Ibn Aamir
With yearning, and tears flowed copiously from my eyes
١. ذَكَرتُكِ يَومَ القَصرِ قَصرِ اِبنِ عامِرٍ
بِخُمٍّ وَهاجَت عَبرَةُ العَينِ تَسكُبُ
2. So I remained, while the she-camels remained, at their station
Saddled she-camels awaiting when I will mount and ride
٢. فَظِلتُ وَظَلَّت أَينُقٌ بِرِحالِها
ضَوامِرُ يَستَأنينَ أَيّانَ أَركَبُ
3. I talk to myself, and my words are many
And my biggest worry, and my words, is Zaynab
٣. أُحَدِّثُ نَفسي وَالأَحاديثُ جَمَّةٌ
وَأَكبَرُ هَمّي وَالأَحاديثِ زَينَبُ
4. When the sun of day rises, I remember her
And I reminisce about her when the sun sets
٤. إِذا طَلَعَت شَمسُ النَهارِ ذَكَرتُها
وَأُحدِثُ ذِكراها إِذا الشَمسُ تَغرُبُ
5. She is special to me, beyond all women
In my preservation, and poetry, whenever I compose
٥. وَإِنَّ لَها دونَ النِساءِ لَصُحبَتي
وَحِفظِيَ وَالأَشعارِ حينَ أُشَبَّبُ
6. Indeed, he who wants my pleasure by mentioning her
To me, and my admiration of her, makes himself beloved
٦. وَإِنَّ الَّذي يَبغي رِضايَ بِذِكرِها
إِلَيَّ وَإِعجابي بِها يَتَحَبَّبُ
7. When my eye twitches, I say perhaps
It twitches to see her, and flutters for that
٧. إِذا خَلَجَت عَيني أَقولُ لَعَلَّها
لِرُؤيَتِها تَهتاجُ عَيني وَتَضرِبُ
8. When my legs grow numb, I confess in remembering her
So that the numbness may leave my legs and depart
٨. إِذا خَدِرَت رِجلي أَبوحُ بِذِكرِها
لِيَذهَبُ عَن رِجلي الخُدورُ فَيَذهَبُ