1. My heart has become healthy from mentioning Umm Al-Bani
After what has passed in time
١. صَحا القَلبُ عَن ذِكرِ أُمِّ البَني
نَ بَعدَ الَّذي قَد مَضى في العُصُر
2. And it has become obedient to its reproacher
And patience has become shorter after dignity
٢. وَأَصبَحَ طاوَعَ عُذّالَهُ
وَأَقصَرَ بَعدَ الإِباءِ الصَبَر
3. Now when the one with white hair is watching over it
Who can make it refrain?
٣. أَحينَ وَقَد راعَهُ رائِعٌ
مِنَ الشَيبِ مَن يَعلُهُ يُزدَجَر
4. For the love of the daughter of Al-Amiri
Is like a crack in crumbling rock
٤. عَلى أَنَّ حُبَّ اِبنَةِ العامِرِيِّ
كَالصَدعِ في الحَجَرِ المُنفَطِر
5. He yearns for her and the darkness of night draws near to him
On a cautious night
٥. يَهيمُ إِلَيها وَتَدنو لَهُ
جُنوحَ الظَلامِ بِلَيلٍ حَذِر
6. And his love for her grows with us
So who can a boaster harm?
٦. وَيَنمى لَها حُبُّها عِندَنا
فَمَن قالَ مِن كاشِحٍ لَم يَضِر
7. Whoever's love is sound
I am not sound, nor apologizing
٧. فَمَن كانَ عَن حُبِّهِ سالِياً
فَلَستُ بِسالٍ وَلا مُعتَذِر
8. I remembered the plains with the shari
And our days at Katheeb Al-Amr
٨. تَذَكَّرتُ بِالشَريِ أَيّامَنا
وَأَيّامَنا بِكَثيبِ الأَمَر
9. Nights when our secrets flow
With one loyal to us, not divulging the secret
٩. لَيالِيَ يَجري بِأَسرارِنا
أَمينٌ لَنا لَيسَ يُفشي لِسِر
10. So the passion of youth pleased her
Growing in delightful intoxication
١٠. فَأَعجَبَها غُلَواءُ الشَبا
بِ تَنبُتُ في ناضِرٍ مُسبَكِر
11. And when I was a young companion of dada
A brother of bliss like the drunkard
١١. وَإِذ أَنا غِرُّ أُجاري دَداً
أَخو لَذَّةٍ كَصَريعِ السَكَر
12. Of those who dye thin cloth
I clothe slippers in extra fabric
١٢. مِنَ المُسبِغينَ رِقاقَ البُرو
دِ أَكسو النِعالَ فُضولَ الأُزُر
And when she is a bashful gazelle
١٣. وَإِذ هِيَ حَوراءُ رُعبوبَةٌ
ثِقالٌ مَتى ما تَقُم تَنبَتِر
14. Heavy, whenever she stands, tottering
Her thighs almost, if she comes
١٤. تَكادُ رَوادِفُها إِن نَأَت
إِلى حاجَةٍ مَوهِناً تَنبَتِر