
Will you not have mercy, morning breeze?

هلا ارعويت فترحمي صبا

1. Will you not have mercy, morning breeze?
You left no heart for this devoted lover.

١. هَلّا اِرعَوَيتِ فَتَرحَمي صَبّا
صَديانَ لَم تَدَعي لَهُ قَلبا

2. Think not I've gained when I took by force
A man whose heart you had already robbed.

٢. لا تَحسَبي حَظّاً خَصَصتِ بِهِ
رَجُلاً سَلَبتِ فُؤادَهُ غَصبا

3. He shunned visiting, resenting your love,
Wishing you'd bear no grudge for his sin.

٣. جَشِمَ الزِيارَةَ عَن مَوَدَّتِكُم
فَأَرادَ أَن لا تَحقَدي ذَنبا

4. He sought peace, submitting himself to you,
Though you saw him always a foe in war.

٤. وَرَجا مُصالَحَةً فَكانَ لَكُم
سِلماً وَكُنتِ تَرَينَهُ حَربا

5. O you whose love is pure, blame him not
If he importunes you with constant plea.

٥. يا أَيُّها المُصفى مَوَدَّتَهُ
مَن لا يَزالُ مُسامِتاً خِطبا

6. Let no one come between if you love one,
Making him the lord of your soul sincere.

٦. لا تَجعَلَن أَحَداً عَلَيكَ إِذا
أَحبَبتَهُ وَهَوَيتَهُ رَبّا

7. Visit your beloved, though busy you be,
Rather than stay from him long absentee.

٧. وَصِلِ الحَبيبَ إِذا كَلِفتَ بِهِ
وَاِطوِ الزِيارَةَ دونَهُ غِبّا

8. For that is better than frequenting
One who gains no intimacy thereby.

٨. فَلَذاكَ خَيرٌ مِن مُواظَبَةٍ
لَيسَت تَزيدُكَ عِندَهُ قُربا

9. Nay, he will soon weary if you pursue,
Saying, “Enough! How often have you sued!"

٩. لا بَل يَمَلُّكَ حينَ تَطلُبُهُ
فَيَقولُ هاهَ وَطالَما لَبّى