1. My aunt sent me a message that we
Had uncovered some of what you two had concealed
١. أَرسَلَت خُلَّتي إِلَيَّ بِأَنّا
قَد أُتينا بِبَعضِ ما قَد كَتَمتا
2. And by your estrangement, Rabab was freshly
Grieved, O friend, by what you both had done
٢. وَبِهِجرانِكَ الرَبابَ حَديثاً
سَوأَةٌ يا خَليلَ ما قَد فَعَلتا
3. You abandoned Rabab out of love for Su'da
And forgot what you had said to her
٣. وَهَجَرتَ الرَبابَ مِن حُبِّ سُعدى
وَنَسيتَ الَّذي لَها كُنتَ قُلنا
4. By my life, my condolences about you
Will be fine, since you had grown accustomed to her
٤. وَلَعَمري لَيَحسُنَنَّ عَزائي
عَنكَ إِذ كُنتَ غَيَّها قَد أَلِفتا
5. It's as if I knew that I am
Nothing but one you both have betrayed
٥. وَكَأَنّي قَد كُنتُ أَعلَمُ أَنّي
لَستُ إِلّا كَمَن بِهِ قَد غَدَرتا
6. Except you betrayed me before any news
So we found you lying when we were told
٦. غَيرَ أَن قَد غَدَرتَني قَبلَ خُبرٍ
فَوَجَدناكَ كاذِباً إِذ خُبِرتا
7. Where are your solemn oaths to me
And all the covenants you both have broken?
٧. أَينَ أَيمانُكَ الغَليظَةُ عِندي
وَمَواثيقُ كُلَّها قَد نَقَضتا
8. Do not betray Rabab as long as you live,
O cousin, for you have betrayed and been disloyal
٨. لا تَخونُ الرَبابَ ما دُمتَ حَيّاً
يا اِبنَ عَمّي فَقَد غَدَرتَ وَخُنتا
9. You have intentionally done what you have done
Without offering us that, then you wronged
٩. وَأَتيتَ الَّذي أَتَيتَ بِعَمدٍ
لَم تَهَبنا لِذاكَ ثُمَّ ظَلَمتا
10. If you intend to reconcile, we
May God disfigure whoever deceived after this
١٠. إِن تُجِدَّ الوِصالَ مِنكَ فَإِنّا
قَبَّحَ اللَهُ بَعدَها مَن خَدَعتا
11. With words you mock and oaths
By my life that you have perhaps sworn
١١. مِن كَلامٍ تَهُذُّهُ وَبِحَلفٍ
فَلَعَمري فَرُبَّما قَد حَلَفتا
12. Then you did not fulfill when you swore an oath
Wretched are you in matters of loyalty
١٢. ثُمَّ لَم توفِ إِذ حَلَفتَ بِعَهدٍ
بِئسَ ذو مَوضِعِ الأَمانَةِ أَنتا