1. Remembering my loved ones has wearied my heart,
And I am beset by bouts of turmoil.
١. شاقَ قَلبي تَذَكُّرُ الأَحبابِ
وَاِعتَرَتني نَوائِبُ الأَطرابِ
2. O my friend, know that my heart
Is enamored with the belle of the prayer niche.
٢. يا خَليلَيَّ فَاِعلَما أَنَّ قَلبي
مُستَهامٌ بِرَبَّةِ المِحرابِ
3. My heart clung to a maiden of Quraysh,
Of graceful figure, immaculate robes.
٣. عُلِّقَ القَلبُ مِن قُرَيشٍ ثَقالاً
ذاتَ دَلٍّ نَقِيَّةَ الأَثوابِ
4. A belle among women in a ruler's home,
Her lineage the pinnacle of all lineages.
٤. رَبَّةً لِلنِساءِ في بَيتِ مَلكٍ
جَدُّها حَلَّ ذِروَةَ الأَحسابِ
5. A lovesick soldier unveiled her,
So she shone like the sun through the clouds.
٥. شَفَّ عَنها مُرَقَّقٌ جَنَديٌّ
فَهيَ كَالشَمسِ مِن خِلالِ السَحابِ
6. She appeared until my heart was captured,
Then veils concealed her with their wrappings.
٦. فَتَراءَت حَتّى إِذا جُنَّ قَلبي
سَتَرَتها وَلائِدٌ بِالثِيابِ
7. When she was curtained from my view,
I said this is no reward for a lover.
٧. قُلتُ لَمّا ضَرَبنَ بِالسِترِ دوني
لَيسَ هَذا لِعاشِقٍ بِثَوابِ
8. From behind the veil a soft-toned maiden replied,
Chiding gently, her words a reproach:
٨. فَأَجابَت مِنَ القَطينِ فَتاةٌ
ذاتُ دَلٍّ رَقيقَةٌ بِعِتابِ
9. Send to him the handmaid, let her make haste,
We have obeyed Father of Al-Khattab.
٩. أَرسِلي نَحوَهُ الوَليدَةَ تَسعى
قَد فَعَلنا رِضا أَبي الخَطّابِ
10. Disobey not, in severing ties with Bishr's daughter,
The glorious-tented, pure-robed commander.
١٠. لا تُطِع في قَطيعَةِ اِبنَةِ بِشرٍ
ماجِدَ الخيمِ طاهِرِ الأَثوابِ
11. Fear the Almighty, O mother of 'Amr,
And judge your captive rightly.
١١. فَاِتَّقي ذا الجَلالِ يا أُمَّ عَمروٍ
وَاِحكُمي في أَسيرُكُم بِالصَوابِ
12. Do with your captive one of three things:
Understand them, then send me your reply.
١٢. اِفعَلي بِالأَسيرِ إِحدى ثَلاثٍ
فَاِفهَميهِنَّ ثُمَّ رُدّي جَوابي
13. Kill him an easy death, a death of ease,
Be not to him a whip of torment.
١٣. اُقتُليهِ قَتلاً سَريحاً مُريحاً
لا تَكوني عَلَيهِ سَوطَ عَذابِ
14. Or imprison him, for soul shall redeem soul -
A decree precisely decreed in the Book.
١٤. أَو أَقيدي فَإِنَّما النَفسُ بِالنَف
سِ قَضاءً مُفَصَّلاً في الكِتابِ
15. Or unite with him in a binding pact,
Though the worst unities are ties based on lies.
١٥. أَو صِليهِ وَصلاً يُقَرُّ عَلَيهِ
إِنَّ شَرَّ الوِصالِ وَصلُ الكِذابِ