1. The she-camel complained to me when I overburdened her,
And made clear that if she could speak, she would.
١. تَشَكّى الكُمَيتُ الجَريَ لَمّا جَهَدتُهُ
وَبَيَّنَ لَو يَسطيعُ أَن يَتَكَلَّما
2. I said to her, "If carrying the load brings delight to my eyes,
Then it is easy for us if you moan and become weary."
٢. فَقُلتُ لَهُ إِن أَلقَ لِلعَينِ قُرَّةً
فَهانَ عَلَينا أَن تَكِلَّ وَتَسأَما
3. If so, I would be ruined, and my resolve would leave me;
Were I not to carry my supplies, even if at ease and safe.
٣. عَدِمتُ إِذاً وَفري وَفارَقتُ مُهجَتي
لَئِن لَم أَقِل قَرناً إِذا اللَهُ سَلَّما
4. Therefore I walk beside my camel to fasten her saddle,
And instruct that she not be humiliated, but honored.
٤. لِذَلِكَ أُدني دونَ خَيلي رِباطَهُ
وَأَوصي بِهِ أَن لا يُهانَ وَيُكرَما
5. She paid it no heed, bounding away like a vicious eagle
Who dives down, having spotted blood.
٥. فَما راعَها إِلّا الأَغَرَّ كَأَنَّهُ
عُقابٌ هَوَت مُنقَضَّةً قَد رَأَت دَما
6. I said to them, "Why did you panic over the she-camel?"
They said, "You will know what we disliked and understand."
٦. فَقُلتُ لَهُم كَيفَ الثُرَيّا هَبِلتُمُ
فَقالوا سَتَدري ما نَكَرنا وَتَعلَما
7. Thereupon dismount and rest, but when your she-camel
Appears among her companions like a bloody corpse,
٧. هُنالِكَ فَاِنزِل فَاِستَرِح فَإِذا بَدَت
ثُرَيّاكَ في أَترابِها الحورِ كَالدُمى
8. Seeking to conceal the secret from you, do not divulge
What was not disclosed to us—not even a hint.
٨. يُرِدنَ اِحتِيازَ السِرِّ مِنكَ فَلا تَبُح
بِما لَم تَكُن عَنهُ لَدَينا مُجَمجِما